
This primer aggregates various resources for a person who is curious about Docker; Docker Virgin.

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Docker 101: No Pain, True Gain!

  1. What is Docker?
  2. What is a Docker Container?
  3. Docker Engine
  4. Docker Images
  5. Docker Trusted Registry (DTR)
  6. Docker Architecture
  7. Docker Community Edition Vs. Docker Enterprise Edition
  8. Docker Containers Vs. Virtual Machines?
  9. Docker Swarm, Node & Service
  10. Docker Service Discovery and Load Balancing
  11. Manage data in Docker

Docker 201: Dirty your Hands, may be Legs too!

  1. Docker Mastery Tutorial by Bret Fisher (Docker Captain)
  2. Docker Networking Overview
  3. Bridge Networking for Single Host Container Networking
  4. Overlay Networking for Multi-Host Container Networking
  5. Deep Dive into Docker Networking
  6. Dockerfile
  7. Docker Compose
  8. Docker 1.12 Swarm Mode Deep Dive Part 1: Topology
  9. Docker 1.12 Swarm Mode Deep Dive Part 2: Orchestration
  10. Getting started with swarm mode
  11. Under the Hood with Docker Swarm Mode

Docker 301: It always worked on my dev enivorment. What about Production?

  1. Docker Enterprise Edition Architecture
  2. Universal Control Plane overview
  3. UCP architecture
  4. DTR architecture
  5. Monitoring Containers
  6. Service Discovery: Zookeeper Vs. etcd Vs. Consul
  7. Docker Secrets
  8. Alternate Orchestrator - Kubernetes
  9. Kubernetes in production
  10. DC/OS and Mesos
  11. Docker at Visa
  12. Docker at MetLife
  13. Container Performance Analysis