
A simple crypto app

Primary LanguageDart


Crypto App.

Getting Started

This project is a take home test for Ejara.

A few things to note:

  • Login experience is simulated (use email: mike@gmail.com and password: 12345)
  • Network calls are made to get the latest block for bitcoin and it's transactions
  • You can pull to refresh on the home page to get the latest bitcoin block.
  • Tezos blocks had no transactions coming in so I showed empty state instead.
  • Rest of the coins were implemented to use same endpoint as the bitcoin (making network calls follow the same pattern)
  • Flutter version 2.2.3


Plugins used:

  • Provider for statemanagement
  • Get_it for dependency injection
  • Http for API calls

How to run:

  • clone the project
  • run flutter pub get
  • ctrl + F5