
eBay Node API in TypeScript for Node and Browser with RESTful and Traditional APIs. This library aims to implement all available eBay apis.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

eBay Node API in TypeScript with Browser support

Build Status codecov

This eBay API implements both Traditional (xml) and the RESTful eBay API. It supports client credentials grant and authorization code grant (Auth'N'Auth, OAuth2 and IAF).

eBay Docs


  • v3.3.2 is the latest release.
  • See here for the full changelog.

Implementation status


API Implemented
Buy API ✔ Browse API
✔ Deal API
✔ Feed API
✔ Marketing API
✔ Offer API
✔ Order API
✔ Marketplace Insights API
Commerce API ✔ Catalog API
✔ Charity API
✔ Identity API
✔ Notification API
✔ Taxonomy API
✔ Translation API
Developer API ✔ Analytics API
Post Order API ✔ Cancellation API
✔ Case Management API
✔ Inquiry API
✔ Return API
Sell API ✔ Account API
✔ Analytics API
✔ Compliance API
✔ Feed API
✔ Finance API
✔ Fulfillment API
✔ Inventory API
✔ Listing API
✔ Logistics API
✔ Marketing API
✔ Metadata API
✔ Negotiation API
✔ Recommendation API

Traditional API

API Implemented
Finding API
Shopping API
Merchandising API
Trading API
Client Alerts API
Feedback API


npm install @hendt/ebay-api # yarn add @hendt/ebay-api



Check out getItem() example: https://hendt.github.io/ebay-api/.

A Proxy server is required to use the API in the Browser.

For testing purpose you can use: https://ebay.hendt.workers.dev/. You can also setup your own Proxy server. We have added a example for cloudfront workers: https://github.com/hendt/ebay-api/blob/master/proxy/worker.js

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@hendt/ebay-api@latest/lib/ebay-api.min.js"></script>
  const eBay = new eBayApi({
    appId: 'appId',
    certId: 'certId',
    devId: 'devId',

    sandbox: true,
    siteId: 77,

  // eBay.req.instance is AxiosInstance per default
  eBay.req.instance.interceptors.request.use((request) => {
      // Add Proxy
      request.url = 'https://ebay.hendt.workers.dev/' + request.url;
      return request;

  eBay.buy.browse.getItem('v1|254188828753|0').then(item => {
      console.log(JSON.stringify(item, null, 2));
  }).catch(e => {


import eBayApi from '@hendt/ebay-api';
// or:
// const eBayApi = require('@hendt/ebay-api')

const eBay = new eBayApi({
  appId: '-- or Client ID --',
  certId: '-- or Client Secret --',
  sandbox: false,

  // optional parameters, should be omitted if not used
  siteId: eBayApi.SiteId.EBAY_US, // required for traditional APIs, see https://developer.ebay.com/DevZone/merchandising/docs/Concepts/SiteIDToGlobalID.html
  marketplaceId: eBayApi.MarketplaceId.EBAY_US,    
  devId: 'devId', // required for traditional trading API
  ruName: '-- eBay Redirect URL name --', // required for authorization code grant
  authToken: '--  Auth\'n\'Auth for traditional API (used by trading) --', // can be set to use traditional API without code grant

🔧 eBayApi Config

The first (required) parameter in eBayApi takes an object with following properties:

Name Occurrence Default Description
appId Required App ID (Client ID) from Application Keys.
certId Required Cert ID (Client Secret) from Application Keys.
devId Conditional The Dev Id from Application Keys.
sandbox Optional false If true, the Sandbox Environment will be used.
scope Conditional ['https://api.ebay.com/oauth/api_scope'] The scopes assigned to your application allow access to different API resources and functionality.
ruName Conditional The redirect_url value. More info.
authToken Optional The Auth'N'Auth token. The traditional authentication and authorization technology used by the eBay APIs.
autoRefreshToken Optional true Auto refresh the token if it's expired.
marketplaceId Conditional REST HTTP Header. X-EBAY-C-MARKETPLACE-ID identifies the user's business context and is specified using a marketplace ID value.
endUserCtx Optional Conditionally recommended. REST HTTP Header. X-EBAY_C_ENDUSERCTX provides various types of information associated with the request.
contentLanguage Conditional REST HTTP Header. Content-Language indicates the locale preferred by the client for the response.
acceptLanguage Optional REST HTTP Header. Accept-Language indicates the natural language the client prefers for the response. This specifies the language the client wants to use when the field values provided in the request body are displayed to consumers.


To see debug logs use DEBUG=ebay:* environment variable.

OAuth2: Exchanging the authorization code for a User access token

eBay Docs

// 1. Create new eBayApi instance and set the scope.
const eBay = eBayApi.fromEnv();
// Attention: appId, certId, ruName is required.


const url = eBay.OAuth2.generateAuthUrl();
// 2. Open Url and Grant Access
console.log('Open URL', url);

// 3. Get the code that is placed as query parameter in redirected page
const code = 'code'; // from www.your-website?code=XXXX

// 4. Get the token
(async () => {
  // Use async/await
  const token = await eBay.OAuth2.getToken(code);

  // Or Promise
  eBay.sell.fulfillment.getOrder('12-12345-12345').then(order => {
    console.log('order', JSON.stringify(order, null, 2));
  }).catch(e => {
    console.log('error', {error: e.message});


How to set the Scope

const eBay = new eBayApi({
  // ...
  scope: ['https://api.ebay.com/oauth/api_scope']

// Or:

Use apix.ebay.com or apiz.ebay.com (beta) endpoints

For some APIs, eBay use a apix/apiz subdomain. To use these subdomains you can use .apix/.apiz before the api call like this:

  eBay.buy.browse.apix.getItem() // now it will use https://apix.ebay.com
  eBay.buy.browse.apiz.getItem() // now it will use https://apiz.ebay.com

In any case eBay adds a new subdomain, it's also possible to configure whatever you want:

  eBay.buy.browse.api({subdomain: 'apiy'}).getItem() // now it will use https://apiy.ebay.com

How to refresh the token

If autoRefreshToken is set to true (default value) the token will be automatically refreshed when eBay response with invalid access token error.

Use Event Emitter to get the token when it gets succesfully refreshed.

eBay.OAuth2.on('refreshAuthToken', (token) => {

eBay.OAuth2.on('refreshClientToken', (token) => {

To manuel refresh the auth token use eBay.OAuth2.refreshAuthToken() and for the client token eBay.OAuth2.refreshClientToken(). Keep in mind that you need the 'refresh_token' value set.

let token = await eBay.OAuth2.refreshToken();
// will refresh Auth Token if set, otherwise the client token if set.

Additional Headers

Sometimes you want to add additional headers to the request like a GLOBAL-ID X-EBAY-SOA-GLOBAL-ID. You have multiple options to do this.

Restful API Headers

  const eBay = new eBayApi();

  eBay.buy.browse.api({headers: {
  }}).getItem('v1|382282567190|651094235351').then((item) => {

Traditional API Headers

You can pass headers directly in the method call in the second parameter:

  Item: {
    Title: 'title',
    Description: {
      __cdata: '<div>test</div>'
}, {
  headers: {

Low level: use the Axios interceptor to manipulate the request

  const eBay = new eBayApi();

  eBay.req.instance.interceptors.request.use((request) => {
    // Add Header
    request.headers['X-EBAY-SOA-GLOBAL-ID'] = 'EBAY-DE';
    return request;

Handle JSON GZIP response e.g fetchItemAspects

You need a decompress library installed like zlib.

npm install zlib

const zlib = require('zlib');

(async (ebayApiInstance, categoryTreeId) => {
  try {
    const data = await ebayApiInstance.commerce.taxonomy.fetchItemAspects(categoryTreeId);

    return new Promise((resolve) => {
      zlib.gunzip(data, (err, output) => {
        if (err) throw err;

  } catch (err) {
    return Promise.reject(err);

Controlling Traditional XML request and response

The second parameter in the traditional API has the following options:

export type Options = {
  raw?: boolean, // return raw XML
  parseOptions?: object, // https://github.com/NaturalIntelligence/fast-xml-parser
  useIaf?: boolean // use IAF in header instead of Bearer
  headers?: Headers // additional Headers (key, value)


Trading - AddFixedPriceItem (CDATA)

You can submit your description using CDATA if you want to use HTML or XML.

  Item: {
    Title: 'title',
    Description: {
      __cdata: '<div>test</div>'

Buy - getItem

eBay.buy.browse.getItem('v1|382282567190|651094235351').then(a => {
}).catch(e => {

Post-Order - getReturn

eBay.postOrder.return.getReturn('5132021997').then(a => {
}).catch(e => {

Finding - findItemsIneBayStores

    storeName: 'HENDT'
}, {raw: true}).then(result => {
    // Return raw XML

Finding - findItemsAdvanced (findItemsByKeywords)

    itemFilter: [{
        name: 'Seller',
        value: 'hendt_de'
    keywords: 'katze'
}).then(result => {

Trading - GetMyeBaySelling

    SoldList: {
        Include: true,
        Pagination: {
            EntriesPerPage: 20,
            PageNumber: 1
}).then(data => {


Check here

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