🎉 React Native Reanimated AAR Files 🎉

Welcome to the ultimate collection of pre-built Android Archive (AAR) patches for React Native Reanimated! These patches are intended to be used as workarounds to fix buggy versions of Reanimated on Android. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a complete newbie to the world of React Native, these patches are guaranteed to make your life easier and your coding journey smoother. 🚀

What are these files, and why should I care? 🤔

Great question! If you're already familiar with React Native, you're probably well aware that Reanimated is a powerful library that allows you to create complex animations and interactions in your app. However, as with any library, there can be bugs and issues that arise when using it. These patches are intended to help resolve some of the most common issues that users have reported when using Reanimated on Android.

And that's where these patches come in. Instead of having to figure out how to fix the issues yourself, you can simply download the patch that matches your version of React Native and drop it into your project. No fuss, no muss, and no more frustration trying to figure out why your animations aren't working as expected! 🙌

How do I use these files? 🤔

Ah, another great question. It's actually pretty simple! Here's what you need to do:

  1. Download the AAR and jsc files that matches your version of React Native
  2. copy or move them into the patch folder or create patch folder if it doesn't exist on the root of your project
  3. Add the following lines to your package.json file:
"scripts": {
"postinstall": "cp patches/* node_modules/react-native-reanimated/android"

This will ensure that the patch file is automatically copied to the correct location in your project every time you run yarn install or npm install.

And that's it! You're now ready to start using buggy Reanimated in your app. 🎉

Download Links 📥

And of course, these patches work with all versions of React Native! So no matter which version you're using, you can rest assured that these patches will get the job done. 🤘

Happy coding! 😎