
rn-redux, React-native Redux is used for efficient and intuitive state management, and project follows a specific folder structure for organization and ease of access.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

rn-redux 🚀

Welcome to rn-redux! This React Native project has been bootstrapped using @react-native-community/cli, and Redux is used for efficient and intuitive state management.

  1. todo

Simulator Screen Recording

what's next?

  1. unsplash api and images search [inProgress]
  2. signIn, signUp [inProgress]
  3. home screen with stories [inProgress]

📁Project Structure

This project follows a specific folder structure for organization and ease of access. Here is a brief overview:


This directory contains all reusable React components. Each component has its own folder, with a structure similar to this:

  • text (example of a component directory)
    • index.tsx: The main component file.
    • styles.tsx: This file contains all styled-component definitions related to the "text" component.


This directory is responsible for all the global style definitions, including theme configurations, spacings, and typography. It consists of:

  • spacing.tsx: Defines the different spacings used throughout the app.
  • theme.tsx: Contains the dark and light theme configurations for styled-components.


This directory is where page-specific components, utilities, and styles are located. An example of a page directory ("home") is as follows:

  • home
    • index.tsx: The main component file for the home page.
    • styles.tsx: This file contains all styled-component definitions related to the home page.
    • components: This directory contains any components that are specific to the home page.
    • utils: Any utilities specifically needed for the home page.


This directory contains all Redux-related files, organized into subdirectories:

  • actions: All Redux action files are in this directory. Each action file is named after the feature it is related to (e.g., todo.actions.tsx).
  • reducers: This directory contains all the Redux reducer files. Each reducer file is named after the feature it relates to (e.g., todo.reducers.tsx).
  • types: This directory contains all the Redux types. Each type file is named after the feature it pertains to (e.g., todo.types.tsx).
  • store: This directory contains the global Redux store (index.tsx).


This directory contains all the static assets required by the project, such as images or icons.

🔗Import Aliases

To streamline imports, this project uses the following import aliases:

  • @components: Points to the "components" directory.
  • @redux: Points to the "redux" directory.
  • @pages: Points to the "app" directory.
  • @navigation: Points to the "navigation" directory.
  • @theme: Points to the "theme" directory.
  • @assets: Points to the "assets" directory.

📦 Dependencies

Here's a rundown of the core packages we use in this project:

  • @react-native-async-storage/async-storage 🗄️: A simple, unencrypted, asynchronous, persistent, key-value storage system for React Native.
  • @react-navigation/native & @react-navigation/native-stack 🧭: Provides navigation functionality for our React Native app, using platform-native navigation components.
  • react & react-native ⚛️: These form the core framework, allowing us to build native mobile apps using JavaScript and React.
  • react-native-bootsplash 🚀: This package is used for managing the display of the launch screen in your app.
  • react-native-reanimated 🔄: An enhanced, next-gen, supercharged version of Animated library in React Native.
  • react-native-safe-area-context 🥽: This package handles safe area insets for iOS and Android, enabling us to avoid notches, status bars, and other intrusions.
  • react-redux & redux 🔄: Enables us to use Redux for state management in our React Native application.
  • redux-thunk 🌀: Middleware that allows us to write action creators that return a function instead of an action.
  • styled-components 💅: This package allows us to use component-level styles in our React Native app, increasing the modularity and style scalability of our project.

🚀 Running the Application

We use Yarn as the package manager for this project. To run the application, use the following commands:

Start the Metro Server

First, you'll need to start Metro, the JavaScript bundler that comes with React Native. From the root of your React Native project, run:

yarn start

📲 Run the Application

With Metro Bundler running, open a new terminal at the root of your React Native project and execute:

for Android

yarn android

for iOS

yarn ios

If everything is set up correctly, you should see your new app running in your Android Emulator or iOS Simulator shortly. This is one way to run your app - you can also run it directly from within Android Studio and Xcode respectively.

🎉 Congratulations! You've successfully run your React Native App with Redux. 🥳

📚 Learn More

❗ Troubleshooting

Encountered an issue? Check out the Troubleshooting page on the React Native website.