
📂 Data Structures and Algorithms in Java

Primary LanguageJava



  • The best way to prepare would be to clone this repo and mark the problems as completed as you progress along.
  • If you're interested in explanations, check out DSA_Kotlin Repo, which has video explanations for every problem in this problem set.


Array Problems

  • One -> Linear Search
  • Two -> Binary Search
  • Three -> Find a pair in an array whose sum is equal to given number (Hash Approach) - Brute Force, Quick Sort and search complement, Hash Table
  • Four -> Element that occurs more than n/2 times - Unsorted
  • Five -> Element that occurs more than n/2 times - Sorted
  • Six -> Largest Difference such that the smaller number appears before larger number
  • Seven -> Largest Difference such that the smaller number appears before larger number - Less space complexity
  • Eight -> Largest Difference such that the smaller number appears before larger number - Min So Far
  • Nine -> Find the number occurring odd number of times in the given array(Only one element occurs odd number of times)
  • Ten -> Separate 0's and 1's in an array
  • Eleven -> Separate Even and Odd numbers in an array
  • Twelve -> 2 elements whose sum is close to zero - either positive or negative
  • Thirteen -> 3 elements such that their sum is equal to x.
  • Fourteen -> Find the Equilibrium Index .i.e., left sum and right sum of index should be equal.
  • Fifteen -> Find the Equilibrium Index .i.e., left sum and right sum of index should be equal - Less Space Complexity.
  • Sixteen -> Array of unknown size. 0s followed by 1s find the first index of 1
  • Seventeen -> Maximum of every contiguous sub-array of size k. - Sliding Window.
  • Eighteen -> count the no.of smaller elements to the right of each element in the array.
  • Nineteen -> Largest Multiple of 3 with given digits.
  • Twenty -> Sub Array Sum equal to x
  • TwentyOne -> Find Sub Array whose sum is equals zero
  • TwentyTwo -> Largest sub array with equal no.of zeros and ones
  • TwentyThree -> Construct a product array such that the ith element in product array contains the product of all the remaining elements but i (Without Division)
  • TwentyFour -> Construct a product array such that the ith element in product array contains the product of all the remaining elements but i (Without Division) - less time complexity
  • TwentyFive -> Sort a nearly sorted array, each element can be misplaced by a max of k digits before or after
  • TwentySix -> Find Duplicates in O(n) time and O(1) space - Array element values are ≤ Max Index
  • TwentySeven -> Find 2 repeating elements in a given array - XOR - Given (n+2) elements - 1 ≤ a[i] ≤ n - All elements from 1 to n occurs at least once (Except the 2 numbers that occurs twice)
  • TwentyEight -> Rotate an array of size n by d elements - Left rotation - Beginning to End - Juggling Algorithm
  • TwentyNine -> Sort array in wave form - Even position number
  • Thirty -> Next least greater number to the given number, input as digit array - with same digits
  • ThirtyOne -> Trapping Rain Water Problem
  • ThirtyTwo -> No.of Triangles that can be formed
  • ThirtyThree -> Smallest number that can't be formed from the array of given numbers
  • ThirtyFour -> Rearrange such that a[i] becomes a[a[i]]
  • ThirtyFive -> Rotate Matrix by 90 degree - anti-clockwise
  • ThirtySix -> Count number of occurrences (or frequency) in a sorted array
  • ThirtySeven -> Find Sub Array whose sum is equals zero - reduced time complexity
  • ThirtyEight -> Largest sub array with equal no.of zeros and ones - my way

Tree Problems

  • One -> Size of a Binary Tree
  • Two -> Identical or not
  • Three -> Mirror Tree
  • Four -> Level Order Traversal
  • Five -> Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) - BST
  • Six -> Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) - Binary Tree
  • Seven -> Binary Tree into DLL - IN order - InPlace conversion
  • Eight -> Diameter of the Binary Tree
  • Nine -> Find the level of a given node
  • Ten -> Print nodes at k distance form root
  • Eleven -> Print nodes at K distance form any node in BT
  • Twelve -> Vertical Tree Order Traversal
  • Thirteen -> Vertical Sum of the Binary Tree
  • Fourteen -> Sum Tree or not
  • Fifteen -> Top View
  • Sixteen -> Bottom View
  • Seventeen -> Left View
  • Eighteen -> Remove all paths whose length < K in BT.
  • Nineteen -> One BT is a sub tree of another BT or not
  • Twenty -> Cousin Nodes or not
  • TwentyOne -> Balanced BST construction from a sorted List
  • TwentyTwo -> BST into Balanced BST
  • TwentyThree -> Print all paths possible from root to all leaves
  • TwentyFour -> Spiral Level Order Traversal
  • TwentyFive -> BT construction from the given POST and IN Order
  • TwentySix -> All nodes at K distance from leaf
  • TwentySeven -> Expression Evaluation
  • TwentyEight -> Extreme nodes of each level in alternating order
  • TwentyNine -> Diagonal Traversal BT
  • Thirty -> BT to a BT that holds Child sum property
  • ThirtyOne -> Multiplication of Sums of data of leaves at same level
  • ThirtyTwo -> Multiplication of Sums of data at same level
  • ThirtyThree -> Max of all differences of a node and it's ancestors BT
  • ThirtyFour -> Serialization and Deserialization BT
  • ThirtyFive -> Serialization and Deserialization n-ary Tree
  • ThirtySix -> Tree from ancestor Matrix
  • ThirtySeven -> Complete Binary Tree from a LL
  • ThirtyEight -> Find the next right node of a given node in the same level
  • ThirtyNine -> Boundary Traversal
  • Forty -> Convert a given tree into sum tree
  • FortyOne -> Check if Foldable or not
  • FortyTwo -> Check if removing an edge will cut into two equal halves
  • FortyThree -> Locking and Unlocking a Node - Design Problem
  • FortyFour -> Reverse Alternate Levels of a perfect BT
  • FortyFive -> Custom Tree Print Problem
  • FortySix -> Threaded BT

Linked List Problems

  • One -> Reverse a LL
  • Two -> Middle of a LL
  • Three -> Kth node from the end of the LL
  • Four -> Detect loop in LL
  • Five -> Find the start of the Loop in the LL with Loop
  • Six -> 2 LL merge at a point, find that point
  • Seven -> Alternating Split
  • Eight -> Clone a LL that contains Random Pointer (Custom LL)
  • Nine -> Palindrome of a LL
  • Ten -> Merge 2 Sorted LL into one Sorted LL
  • Eleven -> Merge K sorted LL of size N into single Sorted LL of size kn
  • Twelve -> Merge sort on LL
  • Thirteen -> LL with arb-pointer pointing to greatest in the right side of the current node
  • Fourteen -> Memory efficient DLL
  • Fifteen -> Sort a LL with 0s, 1s and 2s
  • Sixteen -> Add 1 to number represented as LL
  • Seventeen -> Merge K sorted LL of size N into single Sorted LL of size kn - Better complexity

Stack Problems

  • One -> Stack using Queues
  • Two -> getMin @ O(1)
  • Three -> Reverse a Stack
  • Four -> closest greater element to the right
  • Five -> Overlapping Intervals
  • Six -> Balancing Parenthesis
  • Seven -> Stock Span Problem
  • Eight -> Min no.of bracket reversals req to make the eqn balanced
  • Nine -> find duplicate parenthesis present or not
  • Ten -> Celebrity Problem

Queue Problems

  • One -> Circular tour that visit all gasoline stations before running out of gas

Dynamic Programming

  • One -> Maximum Sum Sub array
  • Two -> Maximum Sum Increasing Sub Sequence [OR] Longest increasing Sub Sequence
  • Three -> Longest Sub Sequence in an array such that the element are consecutive
  • Four -> In a Binary Matrix, Max Square Matrix with all 1s
  • Five -> Kth Ugly Number
  • Six -> Longest Increasing Sub Sequence
  • Seven -> Longest Decreasing Sub Sequence
  • Eight -> Perfect Hill Sequence
  • Nine -> Edit Distance
  • Ten -> Largest Sum Independent set in a Binary Tree
  • Eleven -> Find n-bit integer that doesn't have 2 consecutive zeros
  • Twelve -> Word breaking problem
  • Thirteen -> Partition Problem - Sub Set Sum Problem
  • Fourteen -> Longest Palindromic sub sequence
  • Fifteen -> Steps 1 or 2 to reach n
  • Sixteen -> Longest non overlapping repeating sub string
  • Seventeen -> Min cost to make strings(x and y) equal, del(x) -> S, del(y) -> P
  • Eighteen -> No.of times a string appeared as Sub Sequence in other string
  • Nineteen -> No.of ways to fill 2xn with 2x1
  • Twenty -> Given a Cost matrix, min cost to reach (m-1,n-1) from (0,0), allowed movements -> left, right, diagonally down
  • TwentyOne -> K palindrome - If string becomes palindrome or not by doing atmost k deletions
  • TwentyTwo -> Longest Common Sub Sequence
  • TwentyThree -> Sum of all digits from 1 to n
  • TwentyFour -> Given a string of digits, sub string length = 2k, sum of left k = sum of right k
  • TwentyFive -> Given a BT, find Largest Independent Set
  • TwentySix -> Cutting Rod
  • TwentySeven -> Longest Palindromic sub string
  • TwentyEight -> Count all Palindromic sub string in a string
  • TwentyNine -> Count all distinct Palindromic sub string in a string
  • Thirty -> Rectangular grid 2xn, max sum such that no 2 chosen digit are adj -> vertically, horizontally, diagonally
  • ThirtyOne -> Arrays A -> m, B -> n, (m>n) insert(m-n) 0s in B such that dot product is max
  • ThirtyTwo -> Largest Independent Set
  • ThirtyThree -> Egg Dropping Problem
  • ThirtyFour -> No.of Non-decreasing numbers with n digits
  • ThirtyFive -> Weighted Job Scheduling
  • ThirtySix -> Count no.of ways to reach a score in a given game, player can score 2, 4 or 6 points
  • ThirtySeven -> Max coins by busting balloons
  • ThirtyEight -> Max points in the grid using 2 traversals
  • ThirtyNine -> Sub Set Sum Problem
  • Forty -> Matrix Chaining - Results Upper triangular Matrix
  • FortyOne -> Longest Common Sub Sequence
  • FortyTwo -> Multi Stage Graph
  • FortyThree -> 0/1 Knapsack
  • FortyFour -> Travelling Sales man (TSP) - DFS based - Hamiltonian Cycle + MIN Cost
  • FortyFive -> All Pair Shortest path - Floyd Warshall's
  • FortySix -> Matrix Chaining - Top Down
  • FortySeven -> Coin Change Problem
  • FortyEight -> Longest Palindromic sub string - Less Space Complexity
  • FortyNine -> No.of Non-decreasing numbers with n digits - Less space

Greedy Problems

  • One -> n different ropes of different length, tie them up into a single rope with Min cost.
  • Twp -> Maximum Non Overlapping Intervals
  • Three -> Min no.of platforms required to station all trains without collision
  • Four -> Rearrange the characters in the string such that same characters become d-distance away from each other.
  • Five -> Dijkstra's Algorithm
  • Six -> Fractional Knapsack
  • Seven -> Huffman's Coding
  • Eight -> Job Sequencing with Deadlines
  • Nine -> Spanning Trees and kirchhoff's theorem
  • Ten -> Minimum Spanning Tree - Prim's
  • Eleven -> Kruskal's Algorithm
  • Twelve -> Optimal Merge Patterns

Divide and Conquer

  • One -> Find the element that occurs more than n/2 times - Sorted Array.
  • Two -> Bolt and Nuts
  • Three -> Implement pow()
  • Four -> Search an element in a sorted Rotated Array
  • Five -> Count Inversions in an array
  • Six -> Missing number in arithmetic progression
  • Seven -> Array containing 0s before 1s, count 1s
  • Eight -> Array has 2n elements -> a1, a2, a3, .., an, b1, b2, .. , bn -> shuffle -> a1, b1, a2, b2, .., an, bn
  • Nine -> Sorted Array of non-repeating elements, find if there's i for which a[i] = i
  • Ten -> a[0]..a[i] -> increasing, a[i+1]..a[n] -> decreasing, find i
  • Eleven -> search for an element in a row-wise and column-wise sorted 2d array.
  • Twelve -> External Sorting
  • Thirteen -> Find median of 2 sorted arrays
  • Fourteen -> Find Peek Element
  • Fifteen -> Get first 1.

Bit Manipulation

  • One -> Kth bit is set or not
  • Two -> set Kth Bit of a number
  • Three -> clear Kth bit of a number
  • Four -> Toggle Kth bit of a number
  • Five -> count the no.of set bits of a number
  • Six -> power of 2 or not
  • Seven -> next higher number of the given number which is a power of 2
  • Eight -> power of 4 or not
  • Nine -> Multiply with 7 without using *
  • Ten -> Check if a Number is Odd or Even using Bitwise Operators


  • One -> Prime or not
  • Two -> Print prime upto n - Sieve of Eratosthenes Algorithm
  • Three -> Lucky number or not


  • One -> check if the array has duplicate entries at K distance or not
  • Two -> check if 2 sets are disjoint or not
  • Three -> Group all occurrences of elements order by their 1st occurrence.
  • Four -> Given an array A, count the distinct elements in all windows of size K
  • Five -> Given an array and a range (low, high). Find the elements that are in the range but not in the array.
  • Six -> Find the no.of sub arrays with sum zero
  • Seven -> Find 4 elements i, j, k & l -> such that i + j = k + l


  • One -> Find a max occurring character in a given array.
  • Two -> Remove duplicates in a given string
  • Three -> Check if given 2 strings are rotations of each other
  • Four -> Reverse the words in the given sentence
  • Five -> Reverse a given string
  • Six -> Check if palindrome
  • Seven -> Find 1st non-repeating character in the given string
  • Eight -> Run length encoding
  • Nine -> Anagrams
  • Ten -> Excel column name for a given excel column number (MS Excel)
  • Eleven -> Find a smallest window in a string containing all characters of another string
  • Twelve -> Find 1s non-repeating character in a stream of characters
  • Thirteen -> All combinations of strings used to dail a number (Old Phone Key pad)
  • Fourteen -> Min no.of palindromic sub-sequences to be removed to empty a binary string
  • Fifteen -> Check if given sequence of moves for robot is circular or not
  • Sixteen -> Min and Max of an array using min no.of comparisons
  • Seventeen -> Convert one string to another using min no.of given operations
  • Eighteen -> Print concatenation of zig-zack string in k-rows
  • Nineteen -> Remove adj duplicate characters in a given string
  • Twenty -> Min no.of palindromic sub-sequences to be removed to empty a binary string - Tournament Method

Pattern Matching

  • One -> Find all occurrences of str2 in str1 - Brute force
  • Two -> Knuth Morris Pratt Algorithm
  • Three -> Boyer's Moore String Matching Algorithm
  • Four -> Rabin-Karp String Matching Algorithm
  • Five -> Find all occurrences of a given word in a matrix


  • One -> Finding the max element in MIN heap
  • Two -> Deleting arb element in MIN heap
  • Three -> K-Largest elements from an array
  • Four -> Median in a stream of numbers
  • Five -> Given K-sorted list, find minimum range to which at least on number belongs from every list. - All list are of same size
  • Six -> Convert MAX heap into MIN Heap
  • Seven -> Print out all integers of the form a^3+b^3 where a & b are integers b/w 0 & n in sorted order.
  • Eight -> Convert BST to MAX Heap
  • Nine -> Find the Kth largest element in a stream
  • Ten -> Tournament Tree
  • Eleven -> Print all elements in sorted order in row wise and column wise sorted matrix
  • Twelve -> Sort a nearly sorted array
  • Thirteen -> Given n ropes with different length, connect with minimum cost.
  • Fourteen -> Check if the given binary tree is a max heap or not.
  • Fifteen -> Given K-sorted arrays of size n-each, merge them. - different sized inner lists
  • Sixteen -> Delete root from a heap.

Back Tracking

  • One -> Print all permutations of given string
  • Two -> Print all the strings of n-bits
  • Three -> N-Queens Problem
  • Four -> Rat in Maze
  • Five -> Knight Tour Problem
  • Six -> Find subset of elements that are selected from a given set whose sum adds upto a given number k // Subset Sum Problem - Using Backtracking
  • Seven -> SUDOKU
  • Eight -> N-Queens Problem - Easy way

Graph Problems

  • One -> DFS
  • Two -> BFS
  • Three -> Find if there's a path between vi and vj in a directed graph
  • Four -> Undirected Graph, cycle or not
  • Five -> Bipartite or not
  • Six -> Detect a cycle in a directed graph
  • Seven -> Print all jumping numbers smaller than or equal to given value(k)
  • Eight -> Single source shortest path - DAG
  • Nine -> Longest Path in DAG, no weights
  • Ten -> Find Articulation Point / Cut Vertex, Undirected
  • Eleven -> Longest Path in DAG, with weights