Bochar [bɔʧar] is a Cleaver wrapped in Shower Ribbon.
So let's talk about Cleaver.
Cleaver turns the following:
title: My Slideshow
output: slideshow.html
## Hello, world!
### This is my slideshow
Into a slideshow like this slideshow.
Cleaver uses a simple Markdown format.
- Simply write your slides in Markdown
- … and separate them with
Cleaver comes with a stylesheet that looks good by default, but that you can extend at your heart's desire.
Get Bochar from NPM
npm install -g bochar
And run it against your shiny new presentation
bochar path/to/presentation.md
If you want watching your md-file and regenerate presentation, just add watch command:
bochar watch path/to/presentation.md
Next we'll talk about setting up a quick presentation.
Each presentation contains metadata, for example:
title: Shower Ribbon + Cleaver = Bochar
name: "Vladimir Starkov"
twitter: "@matmuchrapna"
url: "http://vstarkov.com"
output: index.html
Let's break this chunk down on the next slide.
- title: The title of your presentation
- author: Some fields to populate an optional author slide at the end
- style: An optional external stylesheet to load
- output: Where to save your file (default: FILENAME-cleaver.html)
- controls: Option to render navigation buttons (default: true)
- agenda: Option whether or not to insert an agenda slide (similar to a table of contents) after the title (default: false)
- encoding: A specified content encoding (default: utf-8)
- template: Location of the template used to render the slides (default: default.mustache)
- layout: Location of the layout template used to render everything (default: layout.mustache)
Slides are separated by --
and are written in markdown.
Use h2
to define slide's title (denoted ##)
If your metadata contains author information (name, url, twitter), an author slide will be inserted at the end of your presentation.
Seriously, that's it. Bochar is perfect for quick slideshows that you can create using a comfortable format with Shower ribbon template. No extra software or text boxes required.
Check us out on GitHub.
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