
Serverless App to manage GitHub repos' topics

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Topics Manager

Serverless App to manage GitHub repos' topics

General pre-requisites

  1. Node.JS 10+ LTS
  2. Yarn

Local development pre-requisites

  1. Register a new OAuth application
  2. Fill anything in all the fields
  3. But set callback url as http://localhost:3000/auth/github/callback
  4. Hit "Register application"
  5. Copy Client ID and Client Secret
  6. Rename .env.example to .env and update it with your secrets accordingly. See dotenv usage example for reference.

Getting started

git clone git@github.com:iamstarkov/topics-manager.git
cd topics-manager

Available scripts

  • yarn dev to run local next.js server
  • yarn test to run tests
  • yarn format to format source code
  • yarn lint to lint source code
  • yarn validate to run yarn lint and yarn test together, used for pre-push git hook

Developer Experience stack

  • Babel for transpiling
  • Jest for tests
  • Prettier for stylistic formatting
  • Eslint for non-stylistic linting
  • Lint-staged for formatting and linting and staged files
  • Husky for consistent git hooks

General Tech stack

  • next.js—framework for isomorphic react apps
  • react—framework for predictable UIs
  • redux—state management library
  • styled-components—styling library


  • Renovate to update to new dependencies' versions for performance/security reasons
  • Travis CI to validate every pull-request
  • Now Cloud to automatically deploy every pull-request in its own staging environment and commits to master to production


MIT © Vladimir Starkov