
get statistics from array of tweets

Primary LanguageJavaScript


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get statistics from array of tweets


npm install --save tweets-stats


import Twitter from 'twitter';
import tokens from 'twitter-tokens';
import stats from 'tweets-stats';

const client = new Twitter(tokens);
client.get('/statuses/user_timeline.json', { screen_name: 'POTUS' }, (err, tweets, raw) => {
  if (err) throw err;
  stats(tweets); /* {
    "tweets": 20,
    "own": {
      "total": 19, "percent": 95.00 },
    "replies": {
      "total": 0,  "percent": 0.00 },
    "retweets": {
      "total": 1,  "percent": 5.00 },
    "retweeted" {
      "total": 158764, "average": 8356 },
    "favorited": {
      "total": 85888,  "average": 4520.42 }}



Return Object with fields:

  • tweets number of all tweets in input
  • own object representing author’s own tweets, with fields:
    • total number of own tweets
    • percent the percentage of own tweets from the total number of all tweets
  • replies object representing author’s replies to others, with fields:
    • total number of replies
    • percent the percentage of replies from the total number of all tweets
  • retweets object representing author’s retweets of other’s tweets, with fields:
    • total number of retweets
    • percent the percentage of retweets from the total number of all tweets
  • retweeted object representing author’s tweets retweeted by others, with fields:
    • total how much own tweets have been retweeted in total
    • average how much own tweets have been retweeted in average per one tweet
  • favorited object representing author’s tweets favorited by others, with fields:
    • total how much own tweets have been favorited in total
    • average how much own tweets have been favorited in average per one tweet


Type: Array

Array of tweets from Twitter rest API, basically from user_timeline endpoint. To make you life easier take a look at node-twitter, twit or get-tweets modules.



MIT © Vladimir Starkov