
This is my personal portfolio project. The project is based on VueJs platform a modern JavaScript Framework. Technology used: NodeJs, VueJs, Bootstrap, jQuery and so on.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MyPortfolio Project

#This is my personal portfolio project. The project is based on VueJs platform a modern JavaScript Framework. Technology used: NodeJs, VueJs, Bootstrap, jQuery and so on.

For running this project please clone or download this repository.

Then go to your project directory and run the command:

install dependencies

npm install

serve with hot reload at localhost:8080

npm run dev

Please make sure you have running nodejs above 6+ version and npm 3+ version.

Build Setup

install dependencies

npm install

serve with hot reload at localhost:8080

npm run dev

build for production with minification

npm run build

build for production and view the bundle analyzer report

npm run build --report

run unit tests

npm run unit

run e2e tests

npm run e2e

run all tests

npm test