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html, css and js (advanced frontend web interview question)

Frontend developer preparation content with their link

  1. Event delegation, event bubbling and event capturing.
  2. Frontend important questions roadsider
  3. Frontend important questions akshaysaini
  4. Advance js concepts
  5. React 300 interview questions
  6. Frontend interview resources
  7. Object based question
  8. Guess the js output
  9. Callback vs promise vs async await
  10. Is javascript compiled or interpreted ?
  11. debouncing in javascript
  12. composing in javascript
  13. JSON vs BSON
  14. [object Object] in javascript
  15. console.log vs console.dir
  16. currying in javascript
  17. enumerable property in javascript
  18. memoization in javascript
  19. polyfills in javascript
  20. closure in javascript
  21. throttling and debouncing in javascript
  22. async and defer attribute in script tag
  23. preventDefault, stopPropogation, stopImmediatePropogation
  24. how js works behind the scenes
  25. function is first class citizen in javascript
  26. insta page for javascript interview questions
  27. javascript single threaded and non-blocking
  28. javascript scopes-hoisting-closures-tricky-questions
  29. generators in javascript
  30. REST Api vs SOAP Api
  31. Promise.all
  32. deep copy vs shallow copy
  33. CSR VS SSR
  34. noopener, noreferrer, nofollow
  35. arrow function vs normal function
  36. HTMLCollection vs NodeList
  37. URI, URL and URN
  38. Is javascript a statically typed or a dynamically typed language ?
  39. variable and function hoisting
  40. how JS works
  41. Center a div
  42. == vs === in js
  43. http vs https
  44. SSL vs TLS
  45. Apache vs NGINX
  46. DNS Working
  47. How does browser works ?
  48. How does web works ?
  49. Js output based Ques
  50. Js output based Ques2
  51. Google lighthouse vs core web vitals
  52. Type Coercion
  53. Temporal Dead Zone
  55. What's the difference between tilde(~) and caret(^) in package.json ?
  56. Linux file permission
  57. Seo tips
  58. how do browsers render webpages ?
  59. BEM Methodology for CSS styling
  60. "same-site" and "same-origin" mean in web security ?
  61. React performance optimization
  62. What’s The Difference Between PX, EM, REM, %, VW, and VH?
  63. Components of a URL
  64. CSS Optimization tips for better performance
  65. Critical rendering path
  66. Repaint and Reflow
  67. Preload, Preconnect, Prefetch, Prerender
  68. Promise.all([]) vs Promise.allSettled([])
  69. Javascript Design Patterns
  70. How Event Loop Works in js?
  71. What is IIFE and usecases ?
  72. slice VS substring in JavaScript
  73. substr() VS substring() in JavaScript
  74. Object VS MAP in Javascript