
ClassDeck Online Classroom for students and teachers. ClassDeck aims to create an all in one online classroom platform where Students can attend exams view results, view assignments, submit assignments and do more. Teachers can post tests and view the results as well as post assignments and videos etc.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Introduction 📜

ClassDeck aims to provide a virtual classroom that breaks the synchronous hurdles of location, place, student limits and cater the knowledge to the learning crowd anytime and anywhere. It is an all in one platform which makes the entire cycle of learning seamless for both educators and students. It also has a whole range of useful features that help to make the whole learning process remote and through virtual platforms.


  • Generate Virtual Classrooms Anytime
  • Educators can create assignments and quizes
  • Students can view and submit Assignments
  • Keep Track of Student's progress
  • Enable Collaboration among students on specific topics
  • Tools and Utilities for ease of learning
  • Whiteboard for uploading useful content and materials
  • Events Calender to keep track of schedule

Tech Stack 💻

Django HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript

Instructions to setup & Run:arrow_down::computer:

Step 1: Downloading and Installing the Code Editor
You can download and install any one of the following IDE.

Step 2: Installing Python
Download Python Latest Version

  • Make sure to check 'Add Python to Path' in the setup window of the Installer.

Verify the installation from the Terminal using the following command,

python --version

Step 3: Installing Git
Download Git

Step 4: Fork the Repository
Click on to fork this repsository

Step 5: Cloning Repository using Git
git clone https://github.com/'<your-github-username>'/classDeck.git

Step 6: Change directory to classDeck
cd classDeck

Step 7: Add reference to the original repository
git remote add upstream https://github.com/coding-geek21/classDeck.git

Step 8: Creating Virtual Environment
Install virtualenv

pip install virtualenv

Creating Virtual Environment named env

virtualenv env

To Activate env

source env/Scripts/activate

To deactivate env


Step 9: Installing Requirements

Note: Before installing requirements, Make sure the virtual environment is activated.

cd classDeck
pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 10: Making database migrations

Note: Before making database migrations, make sure you've successfully created database.

python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate

Step 11: Creating superuser to access Admin Panel
python manage.py createsuperuser

Step 12: Running the Project in local server
Note: Before running the project in local server, Make sure you activate the Virtual Environment.

python manage.py runserver

Server will be up and running in local host on PORT 8000

Project Admin 🤓

Jayapritha N