
Show synced lyric in the touch-bar with BetterTouchTool and NetEase APIs

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Synced Lyric on TouchBar

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Show synced lyric in the touch-bar with BetterTouchTool and NetEase APIs. Based on the idea of Kashi.

#Note: Only tested with Catalina. If you are on Mojave, please clone the repo and change the the following code:

edit touchbar_lyric/__init__.py change the code in get_info (basically change Music to iTunes)

else if application "Music" is running then
    tell application "Music"
        set currentInfo to {"Music", artist of current track, "###", name of current track, player position, player state, duration of current track}
    end tell
end if


else if application "iTunes" is running then
    tell application "iTunes"
        set currentInfo to {"iTunes", artist of current track, "###", name of current track, player position, player state, duration of current track}
    end tell
end if

the execute the following command in the directory of the repo:

pip install --editable .


  1. Netease music web apis for synced lyrics;
  2. cachier to cache function calls and reduce the need to call webapis;
  3. Apple script for Spotify & iTunes/Music background track information;
  4. Support for English/Chinese;


1. Denpendencies

First check your python version, which should be 3.6+. All commands should be executed in your terminal.

python3 --version


curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py
python3 get-pip.py

You might want to restart your terminal.

pip3 install touchbar_lyric

Python Path

Take a note for the python3 path. We will refer it as ${PYTHONPATH}

whereis python3

2. Configuration in BetterTouchTool

Same as Kashi:

  1. Copy&paste the content in lyric.json in Meun Bar > Touch Bar;
  2. Change the python path /Users/chenghaomou/Anaconda/bin/python to your own python path in the script area;
  3. Optional: You can use pubproxy api to remedy netease's anti-crawler mechanism.
${PYTHONPATH} -m touchbar_lyric --api ${PUBPROXY_API}

Where --api ${PUBPROXY_API} is optional.


Preview Preview

Note: In case there is no synced lyric, each sentence will be displayed at an evenly time interval.