PersistAssist is a fully modular persistence framework written in C#. All persistence techniques contain a cleanup method which will server to remove the persistence aside from the persistence code. This is a WIP so there are many empty classes, the main object of this project initially was to build out a fully modular framework meant to make adding new features as simple as inheriting a class and adding the code.
Author - Victor Suarez (@Grimmie)
PersistAssist will not have pre-compiled binaries so you'll have to compile the code manually. To do this open up the solution file and select "Release" and the desired arch in the build menu and hit start.
To view the help menu, use PersistAssist.exe -h
-t, --technique=VALUE Persistence technique to use
-a, --action=VALUE Action to perform
-s, --search=VALUE Keyword to search for
--rk, --rootkey=VALUE Root key for registry operations
--sk, --subkey=VALUE Sub key for registry operations
--kv, --keyvalue=VALUE Value to assign regirsty key
--tn, --taskname=VALUE Task name to set for MSBuild operations
--pl, --payload=VALUE Payload to substitute into template
--fp, --filepath=VALUE Path to file/directory to target
--dp, --duplicatepath=VALUE
Path to duplicate file times from, modified all
--ts, --timestamp=VALUE
Specify M(odified), A(ccessed), or C(reated)
timestamp. Use ALL to target all timestamps
--nt, --newtime=VALUE Specify a new date to change specified timestamp to
-p, --persist Execute specified techique
-c, --cleanup Clean up specified technique
-l, --list List available techniques
-i, --info Displays information on a specified technique
-h, --help show this message and exit
To list the available modules, use PersistAssist.exe -l
[*] Available modules:
GenericRegAdd - Add any arbitrary registry key
RunKeys - Registers a RunKey on either HKLM or HKCU
InlineTasks - Deploys MSBuild InlineTask based payload. Drops file to disk
OverrideTask - Deploys MSBuild OverrideTask based persistence. Drops file to disk and requires admin access
PSProfile - Backdoors PowerShell profile files
StartupFolder - Drops a shortcut to a startup path
SvcList - Lists services on a machine
Creds - Cred operations
RegList - Lists contents of specified registry key
SchList - Lists scheduled tasks on a machine
TimeStomp - Modifies file and directory time stamps. Does not modify Entry timestamp
HelloWorld - hola mundo
PopCalc - Pops calc
Persistence contains that available techniques that can be used, the tradecraft modules serve as utility functions to perform various operations, and the payload modules contain paylaods that can be used for various persistence tasks though are currently only available for the OverrideTask module.
To return information on a module, use PersistAssist.exe -t [technique] -i
Name: OverrideTask
Desc: Deploys MSBuild OverrideTask based persistence. Drops file to disk and requires admin access
Persist: PersistAssist.exe -t OverrideTask -p -tn [task name] -pl [payload]
Cleanup: PeristAssist.exe -t OverrideTask -c -tn [task name]
Category: MSBuild