
Executor is a framework for abstracting and simplifying the development of console or task based systems.

Primary LanguageC#



The idea behind the Executor framework came from the need to create different types of executables easily. Having a single console application or service that runs your different types of apps with a layer of abstraction that allows you to concentrate on writing your code.

This is especially good for:

  • Task based systems
  • Producer / Consumer / Parallel Processing system.

You reference the library, implemenet a base class and you can plug your assembly into the executor and run it.

This is incomplete and we stil have to complete the initial wrapper implementation:

  • Workflow system
  • Bootstraping
  • Multiple executor context awareness


Reference Executor.Library in your project.

Annotate a class with ExecutorAttribute and extend ExecutorBase.

Logic goes in run.

These instructions will be completed later...