A simple Windows app, using WPF, C# and GAM to make Chromebook management a little easier.
- 0
[BUG] Moving Device OU
#32 opened by FBS2021eee - 12
- 1
- 2
[I/C] Latest version number mismatch
#30 opened - 1
Need to change current GAM-Out processing into Regex (or something else-- this must be fixed)
#27 opened by sentry-io - 1
- 1
- 2
Improve Omnibar text interaction
#24 opened - 2
- 0
#25 opened by iamtheyammer - 1
"Clear Asset ID" not working
#14 opened by iamtheyammer - 5
Alpha 1.0.4 - "Update available" popup
#17 opened - 3
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 3
appears to not be working with GAM 4.72
#16 opened by matt199x - 10
Set Asset ID not Working
#13 opened by GameEnder - 1
New note not remembered by edit note
#12 opened by iamtheyammer - 1
Add import by OU
#10 opened by iamtheyammer - 8
- 2
- 2
- 7
Crash in Startup
#7 opened by GameEnder - 2
Issues with 'Enable' option still
#6 opened - 2
Crash on Change OU
#4 opened by iamtheyammer - 1
'Enable' doesn't seem to be working
#5 opened - 1
Disable button does not disable device
#3 opened by iamtheyammer - 0
Output box scale with window
#2 opened by GameEnder - 0
Deprovision cancel button does not work
#1 opened by iamtheyammer