Kanban Dotnet Backend

This is the backend for a Kanban application built with .NET.

Table of Contents


The Kanban Dotnet Backend is responsible for managing projects, tasks, subtasks and categories in a Kanban board. It provides RESTful API endpoints for creating, updating, and retrieving Kanban board data.

Getting Started

To run the project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/iamtigermaximus/Kanban-Backend-Dotnet.git
  2. Install the necessary dependencies: dotnet restore
  3. Set up the database connection in the appsettings.json file.
  4. Apply any necessary database migrations: dotnet ef database update
  5. Run the application: dotnet run

Make sure you have .NET SDK installed on your machine.

Project Structure

The project follows the following directory structure:

├── Controllers # Contains the API controllers

├── Data # Contains the data access layer

├── DTOs # Contains the Data Transfer Objects

├── Models # Contains the application models

├── Services # Contains the business logic services

├── Migrations # Contains database migration files

├── appsettings.json # Configuration file for the application

├── Program.cs # Entry point of the application