
DevOps project to learn how to setup webserver and host website on ec2

Primary LanguageHTML

AWS EC2 Ubuntu Apache Web Server Setup with Customized Content

Certainly! This project involves setting up a basic web server on an AWS EC2 instance using Ubuntu and Apache. Here's a detailed breakdown:

  1. Launch an EC2 Instance:

    • You initiate a new EC2 instance on AWS, selecting the Ubuntu image.
  2. Connect to EC2 Instance through EC2 Instance Connect:

    • You establish a secure connection to the EC2 instance using EC2 Instance Connect.
  3. Install Apache Web Server:

    • Update and upgrade the packages on the Ubuntu server to ensure everything is current.
    • Install the Apache2 web server using the package manager.
  4. Check Apache Installation:

    • Verify if Apache is installed correctly by running which apache2 or apache2 -v.
  5. Start Apache Service:

    • Start the Apache service on the server.
  6. Check Apache Service Status:

    • Confirm the status of the Apache service.
  7. View Default Apache Page:

    • Use the public IP address of the EC2 instance in a browser to check if Apache is running. This should display a default Apache welcome page.
  8. Customize Default Page:

    • Navigate to the directory where web content is stored (/var/www/html).
    • Remove the default index.html file.
    • Create and edit a new index.html file with your own content.
  9. Restart Apache Service:

    • Restart the Apache service to apply changes.
  10. View Customized Page:

    • Use the public IP address again in the browser to see your customized website content.

This project essentially guides you through the process of setting up a basic web server on an AWS EC2 instance, installing Apache, and customizing the default web page with your own content. It's a fundamental exercise in deploying a web server and serves as a starting point for more advanced web development and server management tasks.