
Ride-my-way is carpooling ride sharing application

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status Coverage Status Maintainability Test Coverage

Ride-my App is a carpooling application that provides drivers with the ability to create ride offers and passengers to join available ride offers.

Project Overview

A Template for Ride-my-way application with the features below.

Required Features

  1. Users can create an account and log in.
  2. Drivers can add ride offers..
  3. Passengers can view all available ride offers.
  4. Passengers can see the details of a ride offer and request to join the ride. E.g What time
    the ride leaves, where it is headed e.t.c
  5. Drivers can view the requests to the ride offer they created.
  6. Drivers can either accept or reject a ride request.

Optional Features

  1. Users can only see and respond to ride offers from their friends on the application .
  2. Passengers get real time notifications when their request is accepted or rejected(Added)


  • Nodejs
  • Express
  • Eslint, Babel, Mocha, Chai

Base URL


API Endpoints

Verb Endpoint Action Description
GET /rides Fetch all ride offers
POST /users/rides Create a ride offer
GET /rides/<id> Fetch a single ride offer id should be ride offer id
POST /rides/<id>/requests Make a request to join a ride id should be ride offer id

Setting up locally

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine
  2. Cd to directory cd Ride-my-way
  3. Create .env file.
  4. Use the format in .env.example file to add configure the API
  5. Run npm install to install dependencies
  6. Start app with npm start


Run npm test

Live API

API is currently live at https://ride-my-way-andela.herokuapp.com/api/v1



Discovered an issue

Did you find anything that you think should be fixed or added? Kindly create an issue so they can be resolved as soon as possible


Uche Jude