Sample Elastic Stack Cluster
Thanks to,
- Myles Young (A Cloud Guru Instructor) for Elastic Stack Essentials and Elasticsearch Deep Dive courses
- Elastic official documentation and community
Set vm.max_map_count to 262144
sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
Clone the repository
git clone
Enter into docker directory
cd elastic-stack-cluster/docker
Change owner of filebeat.yml to root or uid (0)
sudo chown root filebeat.yml
Remove write permission from group and other users
sudo chmod go-w filebeat.yml
Generate certificates
docker-compose -f certs.yml run --rm certs
Deploy the stack
docker-compose up -d
Access kibana
- username: elastic
- password: elastic
Once logged in, click discover option
Click create index pattern
Enter the index pattern name which matches the source and then select the @timestamp option from the dropdown menu. Once all done click create index pattern
- Name: filebeat-7.15.2*
- Timestamp field: @timestamp
Now the index pattern is created, click discover option
Now we are able to see logs