Question 1

Create a node js application in node js in which client seeds a message and server sends welcome back to client using socket js

Question 2

Create a node js app to write a string hi this node js class into buffer and print first 5 and last 5 characters on console using buffer module

Question 3

Create a node js app to implement a chat application using which sends the message and receive the messages sent from other end

Question 4

WAP to show the implementation of process middleware in the node js

Question 5

Create a node js application to open a file node.txt and print a message file empty if file is empty otherwise append the content to new.txt

Question 6

Create a node js application to parse a json file and print the content of file on console

Question 7

Create a node js application to demonstrate the use of zlib and stream modules

Question 8

Develop a node js application to create a collection employ in mongo db and print the records on teh console after inserting teh records in employee

Question 9

Create a node js app to demonstrate the use of get and post using express

Question 10

Create a node js application that contain following links homepage contacts and support when user clicks on support links chat box should be opened and a message from server should be displayed to the user

Question 11

Implement an express application to perform the operation ( + - * /) on those 2 number inside middleware function of server node js app Display the output values on server.