
Phoenix Template Engine for Ratchet

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT

Phoenix Ratchet

Build Status Hex Version

A Phoenix template engine for Ratchet.

View the Documentation.


  1. Install with Hex:

    def deps do
      [{:phoenix_ratchet, "~> 0.4"}]
  2. Configure Phoenix in config/config.exs to use the Ratchet engine:

    config :phoenix, :template_engines,
      ratchet: Ratchet.Phoenix.Engine
  3. Configure Phoenix in config/dev.exs to live reload Ratchet templates:

 config :blurg, Blurg.Endpoint,
   live_reload: [
     patterns: [
-      ~r{web/templates/.*eex$}
+      ~r{web/templates/.*(eex|ratchet)$}

An example project can be found at iamvery/example-ratchet-app.


  1. Bump the version in mix.exs.

  2. Add version to CHANGELOG.

  3. Commit version with Git tag vX.X.X.

  4. Publish to Hex

    $ mix do hex.publish, hex.publish docs