
A library and strategy to terraform your AWS instance to resize images in an S3 bucket using lambda

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Image resize tool based on AWS Lambda.

  • Resize and reduce images with customizable algorithms
  • Detects when image is uploaded to S3 and resize it according to settings.
  • Can be one click deployed and scaled with terraform



  1. Generate Access key and Access token for your AWS User
  2. Setup arn:: layers for graphicsmagick and image-magick
  3. Install terraform

Include it as a module from github

Create file index.tf with your configuration:

provider "aws" {
  version = "~> 1.12"
  // Region "us-west-2" will establish Cloudfront <==> S3 integration faster
  region = "us-west-2"
  access_key = "XXXXXX"
  secret_key = "XXXXXX"
provider "archive" {}
provider "local" {}

module "images_gallery" {
  source = "github.com/ezy/terraform-aws-s3-image-resize?ref=master"
  image_magick_layers = [
  search_bucket = "your_bucket_name"

  config = <<EOF
  "bucket": "your_bucket_name",
  "reduce": {
    "directory": "output_dir/gallery",
    "suffix": "_r",
    "quality": "96"
  "resizes": [
      "size": "1500",
      "directory": "output_dir/gallery",
      "suffix": "_lg"
    }, {
      "size": "1200",
      "directory": "output_dir/gallery",
      "suffix": "_md"
    }, {
      "size": "640",
      "directory": "output_dir/gallery",
      "suffix": "_sm"

resource "aws_s3_bucket_notification" "test_website_notification" {
  bucket = "your_bucket_name"

  lambda_function {
    lambda_function_arn = "${module.images_gallery.resize_function}"
    events              = ["s3:ObjectCreated:*"]
    filter_prefix       = "input_dir/gallery/"
    filter_suffix       = ".jpg"

Execute terraform

  • Run terraform init
  • Run terraform apply

How to check?

Upload a picture to folder "input_dir/gallery" in your bucket. After few seconds resized and reduced images should appear in folder "output_dir/gallery".

Detailed configuration

Sample JSON

For module.config variable:

  "bucket": "your-destination-bucket",
  "backup": {
    "directory": "./original"
  "reduce": {
    "directory": "./reduced",
    "prefix": "reduced-",
    "quality": 90,
    "acl": "public-read",
    "cacheControl": "public, max-age=31536000"
  "resizes": [
      "size": 300,
      "directory": "./resized/small",
      "prefix": "resized-",
      "cacheControl": null
      "size": 450,
      "directory": "./resized/medium",
      "suffix": "_medium"
      "size": "600x600^",
      "gravity": "Center",
      "crop": "600x600",
      "directory": "./resized/cropped-to-square"
      "size": 600,
      "directory": "./resized/600-jpeg",
      "format": "jpg",
      "background": "white"
      "size": 900,
      "directory": "./resized/large",
      "quality": 90

Configuration Parameters

name field type description
bucket - String Destination bucket name at S3 to put processed image. If not supplied, it will use same bucket of event source.
jpegOptimizer - String Determine optimiser that should be used mozjpeg (default) or jpegoptim ( only JPG ).
acl - String Permission of S3 object. See AWS ACL documentation.
cacheControl - String Cache-Control of S3 object. If not specified, defaults to original image's Cache-Control.
keepExtension - Boolean Global setting fo keeping original extension. If true, program keeps orignal file extension. otherwise use strict extension eg JPG,jpeg -> jpg
backup - Object Backup original file setting.
bucket String Destination bucket to override. If not supplied, it will use bucket setting.
directory String Image directory path. Supports relative and absolute paths. Mode details in DIRECTORY.md
template Object Map representing pattern substitution pair. Mode details in DIRECTORY.md
prefix String Prepend filename prefix if supplied.
suffix String Append filename suffix if supplied.
acl String Permission of S3 object. See AWS ACL documentation.
cacheControl String Cache-Control of S3 object. If not specified, defaults to original image's Cache-Control.
keepExtension Boolean If true, program keeps orignal file extension. otherwise, use strict extension eg JPG,jpeg -> jpg
move Boolean If true, an original uploaded file will delete from Bucket after completion.
reduce - Object Reduce setting following fields.
quality Number Determine reduced image quality ( only JPG ).
jpegOptimizer String Determine optimiser that should be used mozjpeg (default) or jpegoptim ( only JPG ).
bucket String Destination bucket to override. If not supplied, it will use bucket setting.
directory String Image directory path. Supports relative and absolute paths. Mode details in DIRECTORY.md
template Object Map representing pattern substitution pair. Mode details in DIRECTORY.md
prefix String Prepend filename prefix if supplied.
suffix String Append filename suffix if supplied.
acl String Permission of S3 object. See AWS ACL documentation.
cacheControl String Cache-Control of S3 object. If not specified, defaults to original image's Cache-Control.
keepExtension Boolean If true, program keeps orignal file extension. otherwise, use strict extension eg JPG,jpeg -> jpg
resize - Array Resize setting list of following fields.
size String Image dimensions. See ImageMagick geometry documentation.
format String Image format override. If not supplied, it will leave the image in original format.
crop String Dimensions to crop the image. See ImageMagick crop documentation.
gravity String Changes how size and crop. See ImageMagick gravity documentation.
quality Number Determine reduced image quality ( forces format JPG ).
jpegOptimizer String Determine optimiser that should be used mozjpeg (default) or jpegoptim ( only JPG ).
orientation Boolean Auto orientation if value is true.
bucket String Destination bucket to override. If not supplied, it will use bucket setting.
directory String Image directory path. Supports relative and absolute paths. Mode details in DIRECTORY.md
template Object Map representing pattern substitution pair. Mode details in DIRECTORY.md
prefix String Prepend filename prefix if supplied.
suffix String Append filename suffix if supplied.
acl String Permission of S3 object. See AWS ACL documentation.
cacheControl String Cache-Control of S3 object. If not specified, defaults to original image's Cache-Control.
keepExtension Boolean If true, program keeps orignal file extension. otherwise, use strict extension eg JPG,jpeg -> jpg
optimizers - Object Definitions for override the each Optimizers command arguments.
pngquant Array Pngquant command arguments. Default is ["--speed=1", "256"].
jpegoptim Array Jpegoptim command arguments. Default is ["-s", "--all-progressive"].
mozjpeg Array Mozjpeg command arguments. Default is ["-optimize", "-progressive"].
gifsicle Array Gifsicle command arguments. Default is ["--optimize"].

Note that the optmizers option will force override its command arguments, so if you define these configurations, we don't care any more about how optimizer works.


Need multiple image configurations per project/per bucket? Just include terraform module multiple times with different names. And add extra block lambda_function{} in aws_s3_bucket_notification for every resizer module.
