
UDACITY - Front End Web Developer Nano Degree - Website Performance Optimization

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Website Performance Optimization portfolio project

My project can viewed at http://jordanfriesen.github.io/udacity-optimization-project/



  • added async attribute to the google analytics script
  • added media="print" to the css/print link to unblock critical rendering path
  • inlined the perfmatters.js script
  • minified and inlined the styles from style.css file
  • moved the google font link to below the footer
  • optimized and resized the pizzeria.jpg for the index.html to pizzeria_small.jpg


  • changed the items[i].style.left to transform and transalte to improve FPS
  • moved the items variable down below the anonymous function that generates the sliding pizzas
  • also made the items variable available globally by adding window.items = document.querySelectorAll('.mover');
  • implemented requestAnimationFrame as described in http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/speed/animations/ implementation starts at line 497 of main.js
  • removed the dx variable declaration from the changePizzaSizes function for loop
  • removed document.querySelector("#movingPizzas1") from the event listener anonymous function and into its own variable (line 550)
  • Inlined the style.css for pizza.html to unblock critical rendering path
  • added and viewport tags to pizza.html


  • my first run at using gulp
  • set up gulp task to uglify the main.js file in views/js and pipe to a new file called views/dist
  • linked the uglified main.min.js file to the pizza.html
    • the readable version is main.js and can be found in views/dist/js
  • set up a gulp task to minify the bootstrap-grid.css and pipe to a new file called views/dist/css/bootstrap-grid.min.css