
gclone is a tool that replaces git clone. gclone 是一个替代 git clone 的工具

Primary LanguageJavaScript



gclone is a tool for cloning Git projects. It not only performs basic git clone operations but also automatically performs additional tasks after cloning, such as modifying Git configurations, installing dependencies, and opening an editor.

Key Features

  • Automatically applies different configurations based on different Git environments.
  • Optionally installs project dependencies automatically after cloning.
  • Optionally opens the VSCode editor automatically after cloning.

How to Use?

Installation Steps

  • Using npm:

    npm i -g @iamxiyang/gclone
  • Using pnpm:

    pnpm add -g @iamxiyang/gclone

Configuration Settings

Run the following command to open the configuration file and modify it as needed. You can repeat this command to make further changes.


Example configuration file:

  // Default configuration, applicable to all cases
  '.': {
    git: {
      name: '', // Default Git author
      email: '', // Default Git author email
    node: {
      install: false, // Whether to automatically install dependencies
      package: 'npm', // Package management tool to use when a package.json is present in the project; leave empty to auto-detect
    editor: {
      vscode: true, // Whether to automatically open the project with VS Code
  // Configuration applicable only to GitHub addresses
  'github.com': {
    git: {
      name: '',
      email: '',
    node: {
      install: false,
      package: '',
    editor: {
      vscode: false,
  // Configuration applicable only to xx.com addresses
  'xx.com': {},

Usage Example

Use gclone instead of git clone to clone a project. gclone supports all parameters of git clone.

gclone https://github.com/iamxiyang/glone.git [other parameters]

With these steps, you can easily clone projects using gclone and perform additional tasks as needed.