Similarity Analysis of Self-Supervised Speech Representations

The repository contains the supplementary materials that correspond to Section 4 of our ICASSP'21 paper: "Similarity analysis of self-supervised speech representations". In the paper, due to the space limit we are only able to present the similarity heatmap of lincka on the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) corpus. Here we include the similarity heatmaps of lincka on TIMIT, svcca on WSJ, and svcca on TIMIT.

Similarity heatmaps of lincka on WSJ (left) and TIMIT (right). Similarity values are annotated.

Similarity heatmaps of svcca on WSJ (left) and TIMIT (right). Similarity values are annotated.

We find all heatmaps exhibiting consistent patterns regardless of the probing corpus (WSJ and TIMIT) and similarity measure (lincka and svcca), which reveal the following insights (please check paper for more detailed descriptions):

  • Objective affects similarity more than architecture.
  • Directionality affects similarity more than building block.
  • Source of negative samples affects similarity more than architecture.