
:dancers: Awesome Koa.js Web Framework

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0

awesome koa

Awesome Koa Awesome Javascript Open Source Love Gitter Chat

Useful resources for creating apps and working with Koa


Deadlink Test

Info: Green Build Status means there should be no Deadlinks in this List.
You can find the Testfiles on travis-deadlink-scanner.


  • Koa - Expressive middleware for node.js using generators
  • co - The ultimate generator based flow-control goodness for nodejs

Examples & Boilerplates


Info: Lots of the Examples and Boilerplattes are outdated.
Also some of the features not work straight out of the Box with the new Version.
I'm working on a Boilerplatte with all the cutting edge stuff and will publish it later on my GitHub Account.


  • accesslog - Middleware for common log format access logs
  • api-boilerplate - API application boilerplate
  • atomic-session - Atomic sessions for Koa
  • badgeboard
  • basic-auth - blanket basic auth middleware
  • body-parsers - collection of koa body parsers
  • bodyparser - a body parser for koa
  • bundle - Generic asset pipeline with caching, etags, minification, gzipping and sourcemaps.
  • bunyan-logger - Koa middleware for bunyan request logging
  • cash - HTTP response caching for Koa
  • charset - use iconv-lite to encode the body and set charset to content-type
  • cluster - Koa clustering and error handling utility
  • compose - Middleware composition utility
  • compress - Compress middleware for koa
  • conditional-get - Conditional GET middleware for koa
  • convert - Convert koa generator-based middleware to promise-based middleware
  • cors - Cross-Origin Resource Sharing(CORS) for koa
  • cross-cookies - Easily set cookies across subdomains
  • csrf - CSRF tokens for koa
  • ctx-basic-auth - Augments Koa with ctx.basicAuth
  • ctx-cache-control - Augment Koa with ctx.cacheControl(maxAge)
  • ctx-paginate - Augments Koa with ctx.paginate
  • ejs - a koa view render middleware, support all feature of ejs
  • error - Error response middleware (text, json, html)
  • etag - ETag support for Koa responses
  • examples - Example Koa apps
  • favicon - Koa middleware for serving a favicon
  • file-server - file serving middleware for koa
  • generic-session - koa session store with memory, redis or others.
  • html-minifier - minify HTML responses like some crazy guy
  • is-json - check if a koa body should be interpreted as JSON
  • joi-router - Configurable, input and output validated routing for koa
  • json - pretty-printed JSON response middleware
  • json-error - Error handler for pure-JSON apps
  • json-filter - Middleware allowing the client to filter the response to only what they need, reducing the amount of traffic over the wire.
  • jwt - Koa middleware for validating JSON Web Tokens
  • kick-off-koa - An intro to koa via a set of self-guided workshops
  • koa - Expressive middleware for node.js using generators
  • koa-body-clean - Koa middleware for auto cleanup files created to disk by multipart middlewares
  • koa-fresh - koa-fresh: HTTP response freshness testing middleware base on koa and node-fresh
  • koa-github - simple github auth middleware for koa
  • koa-lusca - koa version of lusca. Application security for koa.
  • koa-markdown - Auto convert markdown to html for koa. Inspired by connect-markdown
  • koa-range - range request implementation for koa, see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7233
  • koa-redis - koa session with redis
  • koa-response-handler - lightweight response handler for koa
  • koa-roles - koa version of Connect-Roles
  • koa-rt - koa rt with microtime
  • koa-custom-response - standard RESTful API for koa
  • koa-safe-jsonp - Safe jsonp plusins for koa.
  • koa.io - Realtime web framework combine koa and socket.io.
  • koala - [SEEKING MAINTAINER] An HTTP/2 and ES6 Module-ready Koa Suite
  • locales - koa locales, i18n solution for koa
  • logger - Development style logging middleware
  • maxrequests - Limit max requests on each http keepalive connection.
  • middleware-hook - low-level hooks for your middleware
  • mock - Simple web page mock middleware
  • mount - Mount other Koa applications or middleware to a given pathname
  • onerror - an error handler for koa, hack ctx.onerror
  • override-method - method override utility for koa
  • parameter - parameter validate middleware for koa, powered by parameter
  • path-match - koa route middleware
  • qs - qs for koa, and use querystring more safely.
  • querystring-strict - THIS REPOSITORY IS NOW DEPRECATED
  • ratelimit - Rate limiter middleware
  • react-view - A Koa view engine which renders React components on server
  • redis-session-sets - Koa Redis sessions with field-referencing cross sets
  • resourcer - A simple resource directory mounter for koa.
  • resourcer-docs - Simple app that generates documentation for routes mounted using koa-resourcer.
  • response-time - X-Response-Time middleware
  • rewrite - URL rewriting middleware
  • route - Simple route middleware
  • s3-cache - Koa middleware to cache and serve from S3
  • send - Transfer static files
  • sendfile - basic file-sending utility for koa
  • session - Simple cookie-based session middleware
  • snapshot - take snapshot when request, cache by request path.
  • stateless-csrf - CSRF without sessions.
  • static - Static file server middleware
  • static-cache - Static cache for koa
  • statsd - Statsd middleware
  • timer - time your middleware
  • todo - a todo example write with koa and react
  • trace - generic tracing for koa
  • trace-influxdb - InfluxDB tracing for koa-trace
  • trie-router - Trie-routing for Koa
  • userauth - koa user auth middleware
  • workshop - Koa Training Workshop
  • koa-protect - Security module for koa applications
  • koache - Koa cache based on node-cache



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Development by

Developer / Author: Maik Ellerbrock
Company: Frapsoft


Creative Commons License

This work by Maik Ellerbrock is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.