
My attempts at the Cryptopals Crypto Challenges

Primary LanguageOCaml


  • Work in progress
  • OCaml solutions to the Cryptopals Crypto Challenges
  • Completed Sets 1 & 2
  • Done the first two exercises in Set 3, working on the next two...


  • During development / experimentation, new code lives in bin/main.ml.
  • As it improves, useful functions get abstracted out and moved into lib/.
  • When a challenge is complete, the driver code ends up in test/.


  • The self-documenting Makefile here automates most of the tasks. Just type make to see a list of (dummy) targets and their documentation.
  • You may want to create an Opam switch to isolate the OCaml environment from other OCaml projects on your system. If so, something like opam switch create . ocaml-base-compiler.4.14.1 should do it.
  • To install all the dependencies: make deps.