An automation tool that leverages OpenAI's GPT models to streamline code reviews on GitHub. With easy configuration options and a focus on efficiency, it's designed to enhance the code review process by providing AI-driven insights directly from GitHub diffs.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

🛠️ YACRB (Yet Another Code Review Bot) 🤖

An automation tool that leverages OpenAI's GPT models to streamline code reviews on GitHub. With easy configuration options and a focus on efficiency, it's designed to enhance the code review process by providing AI-driven insights directly from GitHub diffs. Design Document

  • Easy and fast setup - takes about a minute once you have keys
  • Choose the pull request from a menu
  • Doesn't require a node server
  • Doesn't require giving unsecure access via Chrome Webstore
  • Handles OpenAPI Rate Limiting

🖼️ Example Code Review

Menu Code Review in terminal example

🔑 Generating API Tokens:

  1. GitHub API Token: To interact with private repositories or to avoid rate limits with public repositories, you'll need a GitHub API token. Here's how to generate one:

Visit your GitHub settings: https://github.com/settings/tokens. Click on the "Generate new token" button. Provide a note or description for your token (e.g., "CodeReviewGPT"). Under "Select Scopes", choose the necessary permissions for your token. For this script, "repo" access is usually sufficient for private repositories. Click on the "Generate token" button at the bottom. Copy the generated token and keep it safe. You won't be able to see it again! Note: Always keep your tokens secret. Do not commit them or expose them in public places.

  1. OpenAI API Token: To get automated code reviews from ChatGPT, you'll need an OpenAI API token. Follow these steps: Go to OpenAI's Platform website at platform.openai.com and sign in with an OpenAI account. Click your profile icon at the top-right corner of the page and select "View API Keys." Click "Create New Secret Key" to generate a new API key.

Copy the key for use in the config.json or as an environment variable.

🔧 Configuration

📁 Option 1: Using a Config File

The first time the script is run, it will prompt you for the following values. It saves them in a config.json file and won't ask again. { "GITHUB_API_KEY": "YOUR_GITHUB_API_KEY", "CHATGPT_API_KEY": "YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY", "REPO_OWNER": "GITHUB_REPO_OWNER", "REPO_NAME": "GITHUB_REPO_NAME", "MODEL": "gpt-4" }

🌍 Option 2: Using Environment Variables

If you don't use a config.json file, the script will fallback to reading from environment variables. If any are missing, it will prompt.

Ensure you have the following environment variables set:

  • export GITHUB_API_KEY="Your GitHub API key"
  • export CHATGPT_API_KEY="Your OpenAI API key"
  • export REPO_OWNER="The owner of the GitHub repository"
  • export REPO_NAME="The name of the GitHub repository"
  • export MODEL="gpt-4"

📦 Dependencies

  • requests
  • tiktoken
  • tqdm
  • termcolor

Ensure you have these libraries installed before running the script. Install:

pip install -r requirements.txt

If you get an error that PIP is not available, try running it with Python: python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

If you prefer you can install them manually: pip install requests tiktoken tqdm termcolor

🚀 Usage - Generate a code review!

Set up your configuration using one of the methods mentioned above. Run the script using:

python code-review.py

The script will fetch pull requests and their diffs, and then use the OpenAI API to review the changes.

🖥️ Command Line Options

When running the script, you can utilize various command-line options to customize the behavior:

Option: -format

Description: Specifies the output format for the code review.


  • plain: Plain text format.
  • json: JSON structured format.
  • html: HTML formatted output.

Default: plain Usage: -format plain

Option: -output

Description: Defines the filename where the code review will be saved. If this option is not provided, the review will be printed directly to the console.

Usage: -output review.txt

Option: -type

Description: Determines the type of code review to perform. Each type has a unique focus, like security, performance, etc.

Choices: The available choices are dynamically generated based on the predefined review types. As of now, they include:

  • general
  • security
  • performance
  • style
  • refactoring
  • Default: general

Usage: -type security

Option: -model

Description: Allows you to choose the model to use for the review.


  • gpt-4
  • gpt-3.5-turbo
  • gpt-3.5-turbo-16k

Default: If not provided, the default model defined in the script will be used.

Usage: -model gpt-4

Example Usage:

python code-review.py -format html -output review.html -type general -model gpt-4

📊 Constants

  • TOKEN_SIZE: This determines the maximum tokens to send at once when splitting diffs.
  • MAX_TOKENS: This specifies the response size.
  • MAX_DIFF_TOKEN_SIZE: This is the maximum token size of a diff past which the code review will be skipped.