A simple, streamlined, console-based journal/database program written in Python. Allows for the storage of images as well as text in the SQL database (and can print stored images in the console).
pip install climage
import seshata
seshata.write() # An editor will open and allow you to type your post text.
seshata.post('my first post')
seshata.edit('my first post')
seshata.attach('my image', 'img_1.jpeg', 1)
seshata.image('my image')
This function creates a new database. Usage: seshata.create(your_db_name)
This function opens a connection to an existing database. Call this before writing to or updating an existing journal. Usage: seshata.open(your_db_name)
This function allows you to write a post in an in-terminal text editor, then returns the results as seshata.post_contents. Usage: seshata.write()
This function posts the text you wrote using the write() method to the database you've connected to. Usage: seshata.post(your_post_title)
This function inserts a new image into the Images table of the database. Usage: seshata.append(your_image_name, your_filename)
This function both inserts a new image into the Images table of the database and associates it with a specific post ID. Usage: seshata.append(your_image_name, your_filename, your_post_id)
This function creates a new database. Usage: seshata.create(your_db_name)
This function deletes a post given its title. Usage: seshata.delete(your_post_title)
This function allows you to edit an existing post given its title. Usage: seshata.edit(your_post_title)
This function searches the text field of your posts' content for a given search term. Usage: seshata.search(your_search_term)
This function displays a specified image in your terminal. Usage: seshata.image(your_image_title)
This function opens a connection to an existing database. Call this before writing/updating a post or appending/attaching an image.
This function allows you to view all of the posts in the database you're connected to. Usage: seshata.view_all()
This function prints all of your connected database's image titles and their associated post IDs. Usage: seshata.view_all_images()
This function prints the post text, title, and any associated images given a specific post ID. Usage: seshata.viewID(your_post_id)
This function prints all post information given a specific post title. Usage: seshata.viewTitle(your_post_title)