
An Android app consuming Star Wars API [RESTful].Built with clean architecture + MVVM pattern, Dagger2 , Coroutines ,Architecture Components, Data Binding , Firebase, Tests and lots more...

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0




An Android app consuming a Star Wars API to display Movie Characters it has been built with clean architecture principles, Repository Pattern and MVVM pattern as well as Architecture Components.

Min Api Level : 21 Supports Over 87% Devices

Build System : Gradle


Before running the project create a firebase project and replace the google-services.json with yours in the app directory for a successful build and enable crashylitics.

package-name: com.k0d4black.theforce

Table of Contents


The Application is split into a three layer architecture:

  • Presentation
  • Domain
  • Data

Architecture Flow Diagram

This provides better abstractions between framework implementations and the underlying business logic.It requires a number of classes to get things running but the pros outweigh the cons in terms of building an app that should scale.

The 3 layered architectural approach is majorly guided by clean architecture which provides a clear separation of concerns with its Abstraction Principle.

The domain and data layers are java module libraries as the business logic does not rely on the Android frameworks concrete implementations. This will also help with build performance with a smaller Task Dependency Graph.


The application presentation layer contains the Activity,Fragments and Viewmodels and handles Dependency Injection.

The UI layer feature package contains character_detail and character_search which contain an activity and corresponding viewmodel as well as other UI related classes.

The viewmodels are provided by the ViewModelFactory using Dagger2 it utilises the Factory Pattern by providing an annotation that maps the respective viewmodel requested for instantiation with the ViewModelProvider.Factory

The ViewModel then receives data from the use case and updates the LiveData being watched by the activity,the Activity then makes updates to the UI as need be depending on the type of value received by the LiveData.This results in the Observer Pattern and binding of list data with the Recycler Views Adapter Pattern.

The UiStateViewModel also help coordinate the state of the UI,updating current view as needed using the State Pattern

This pattern makes the Activities "dumb" by delegating data and logic operations to the Viewmodel,hence decoupling the UI layer and makes testing components in isolation easier.


The domain layer contains domain model classes which represent the data we will be handling across presentation and data layer.

Use cases are also provided in the domain layer and orchestrate the flow of data from the data layer onto the presentation layer and a split into modular pieces serving one particular purpose.


The Data layer using the Repository Pattern will be able to provide data to the defined use cases which in this case is searching for characters and viewing details of selected characters.The use-cases are based on the single responsibility rule as they serve only one particular purpose.

This provides a more decoupled system,as it is isolated from changes to the db by abstracting low level implementation details of data sources and changes to the UI.

The repository classes delegate access of data to the data source of interest either local data source or a remote data source.

This layer also handles mapping of data entities to their domain representations which when eventually passed to the presentation layer the domain will be mapped to the presentation model.


Testing has been done based on the architectural layers.

  1. Domain

Contains tests that encompass domain models and uses mockito to verify use cases.

  1. Data

Tests in the data inherit from a base test that provides a mock web server with the api interface to request paths the routing of paths to responses is handled by a custom mock web server dispatcher.

Json responses have also been provided in the test resource folder they are similar to the response that will be received from the api The repository tests serve as integration tests between the data sources and mappers to the domain models. Currently the data source tests serve as unit tests verifying the appropriate responses are received from remote source.

We mock the repositories and verify the expected behavior once a use case has been called to action.

Utilities and Extension functions have also been tested.

  1. Presentation

The Presentation layer contains robolectric jvm tests on for menu items and instrumentation tests checking on system behaviour as per user expectation.

The UI tests display data served from a mock web server running from the devices localhost,this removes flakiness compared to relying on actual data from the real server aspects such as internet connection or network service might bring up issues.

The tests are have been done per activity.

View models testing on live data were guided by this article

App Flow

Search Screen

The Search screen contains a default text view that will hint user on how to search and on search they will be presented with a list of characters. The characters on the search result only contain a name ,birth year and url that will be used to load more content if need be,this saves on loading time and results in a faster search experience.

The list results are bound by a recycler view and each List item contains a button when on clicked navigates to CharacterDetailsActivity screen with an Intent Extra of character id.

Details Screen

The details Screen displays character information after viewmodel receives data from the usecase.The data is bound through Data binding ,which proves useful to binding model data removing need for boilerplate findViewById.

The Character Details are displayed by satisfying constraints to various views using the constraint layout which flattens our view hierarchy and avoids nesting of multiple layouts for displaying complex objects.

The views displaying character data are logically grouped by constraint layout Group widget making it simpler to enable and disable a large set of views.


Libraries used in the whole application are:

  • Jetpack🚀
    • Viewmodel - Manage UI related data in a lifecycle conscious way and act as a channel between use cases and ui
    • Data Binding - support library that allows binding of UI components in layouts to data sources,binds character details and search results to UI
  • Retrofit - type safe http client and supports coroutines out of the box.
  • Moshi - JSON Parser,used to parse requests on the data layer for Entities and understands Kotlin non-nullable and default parameters
  • okhttp-logging-interceptor - logs HTTP request and response data.
  • Mockito - Mocking framework used to provide mocks of my classes in unit tests.
  • kotlinx.coroutines - Library Support for coroutines,provides runBlocking coroutine builder used in tests
  • Truth - Assertions Library,provides readability as far as assertions are concerned
  • MockWebServer - web server for testing HTTP clients ,verify requests and responses on the star wars api with the retrofit client.
  • Leak Canary - Leak Detection Library
  • Material Design - build awesome beautiful UIs.🔥🔥
  • Firebase - Backend As A Service for faster mobile development.
    • Crashylitics - Provide Realtime crash reports from users end.
  • Dagger2 - Dependency Injection lib built with scaling in mind and has large community support.
  • Robolectric - Unit test on android framework.
  • Espresso - Test framework to write UI Tests
  • recyclerview-animators - Recycler View Animations


Gradle Dependencies

Centralized versioning of gradle dependencies in a global file, dependencies.gradle, visible to all available modules.This helps maintain dependency versioning for different modules as well as improve dependency organisation and readability by providing a clear separation of which dependencies go where.


Travis CI is used for development pipeline to automatically build and test the project every time you push updates to version control.

Code Analysis

With static code analysis you can enforce a consistent style guide on the project.This is possible by defining constraints with Detekt.

This Project is integrated with Codacy that makes use of Detekt for static code analysis on Kotlin files.You can either configure rules from their dashboard or enforce a Detekt configuration locally and port it to codacy.

The rules can be configured to be checked for each pull request,commit or merge made.

Resource Values


The app makes use of downloadable fonts which reduces APK size compared to having the font files within the app.

Dimension & String Values

String values are stored in the strings value file this will make it easier for app localization and internationalization as well as string templating currently utilised by data binding.

Dimensions have also been stored in a dimensions value file making it easy to reuse dimension values across the app.

Themes & Styles

Theming is guided by the material design specifications with a DayNight theme which can later be used to provide Night variant for the app and enhance user experience.

Converting centimeters to inches

There is a utility,convertToInches method which takes in a centimeter value from the domain model and on mapping to the presentation layer model it takes in both centimeters and assigns a converted value to height in inches property.



  Copyright 2019 David Odari
  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  You may obtain a copy of the License at


  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  limitations under the License.