
:fishing_pole_and_fish: List of `pre-commit` hooks to ensure the quality of your `dbt` projects.

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dbt-checkpoint provides pre-commit hooks to ensure the quality of your dbt projects.

dbt is awesome, but when the number of models, sources, and macros in a project grows, it becomes challenging to maintain the same level of quality across developers.. Users forget to update columns in property(yml) files or add table and column add descriptions. Without automation the reviewer workload increases and unintentional errors may be missed. dbt-checkpoint allows organizations to add automated validations improving your code review and release process.

List of dbt-checkpoint hooks

💡 Click on hook name to view the details.

Model checks:

Script checks:

Source checks:

Macro checks:


dbt commands:

If you have a suggestion for a new hook or you find a bug, let us know


For detailed installation and usage, instructions see pre-commit.com site.

pip install pre-commit


  1. Create a file named .pre-commit-config.yaml in your project root folder.
  2. Add list of hooks you want to run befor every commit. E.g.:
- repo: https://github.com/dbt-checkpoint/dbt-checkpoint
  rev: v1.1.0
  - id: check-script-semicolon
  - id: check-script-has-no-table-name
  - id: dbt-test
  - id: dbt-docs-generate
  - id: check-model-has-all-columns
    name: Check columns - core
    files: ^models/core
  - id: check-model-has-all-columns
    name: Check columns - mart
    files: ^models/mart
  - id: check-model-columns-have-desc
    files: ^models/mart
  1. Optionally, run pre-commit install to set up the git hook scripts. With this, pre-commit will run automatically on git commit! You can also manually run pre-commit run after you stage all files you want to run. Or pre-commit run --all-files to run the hooks against all of the files (not only staged).

Run as Github Action

Unfortunately, you cannot natively use dbt-checkpoint if you are using dbt Cloud. But you can run checks after you push changes into Github.

dbt-checkpoint for the most of the hooks needs manifest.json (see requirements section in hook documentation), that is in the target folder. Since this target folder is usually in .gitignore, you need to generate it. For that you need to run dbt-compile (or dbt-run) command. To be able to compile dbt, you also need profiles.yml file with your credentials. To provide passwords and secrets use Github Secrets (see example).

Say you want to check that a model contains at least two tests, you would use this configuration:

- repo: https://github.com/dbt-checkpoint/dbt-checkpoint
 rev: v1.1.0
 - id: check-model-has-tests
   args: ["--test-cnt", "2", "--"]

To be able to run this in Github actions you need to modified it to:

- repo: https://github.com/dbt-checkpoint/dbt-checkpoint
 rev: v1.1.0
 - id: dbt-compile
   args: ["--cmd-flags", "++profiles-dir", "."]
 - id: check-model-has-tests
   args: ["--test-cnt", "2", "--"]

Create profiles.yml

First step is to create profiles.yml. E.g.

# example profiles.yml file
  target: dev
      type: postgres
      host: localhost
      user: alice
      password: "{{ env_var('DB_PASSWORD') }}"
      port: 5432
      dbname: jaffle_shop
      schema: dbt_alice
      threads: 4

and store this file in project root ./profiles.yml.

Create new workflow

  • inside your Github repository create folder .github/workflows (unless it already exists).
  • create new file e.g. pr.yml
  • specify your workflow e.g.:
name: pre-commit

      - main

  runs-on: ubuntu-latest
  - uses: actions/checkout@v2
  - uses: actions/setup-python@v2
  - id: file_changes
    uses: trilom/file-changes-action@v1.2.4
      output: ' '
  - uses: dbt-checkpoint/dbt-checkpoint@v1.1.0
      DB_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.SuperSecret }}
      args: run --files ${{ steps.file_changes.outputs.files}}


Thank you to Radek Tomšej for initial development and maintenance of this great package, and for sharing your work with the community!