
Testing out https://github.com/fishtown-analytics/dbt



Enviroment Setup

pipenv install
pipenv shell
pipenv install dbt

dbt Project Setup

Ran dbt init zoolander.

Created the folder structure you see in this repo.

├── README.md
├── analysis
├── data
├── dbt_project.yml
├── macros
├── models
│   └── example
│       ├── my_first_dbt_model.sql
│       ├── my_second_dbt_model.sql
│       └── schema.yml
└── tests

After reading through the docs, here are my notes on each of these folders and what they are meant for:


As described here, the analysis folder is for users to save & version "analytical" sql files.


Database Setup

I have an existing postgres database running on AWS. I created a new database named zoolander, then created some new schemas:

CREATE SCHEMA raw_zoolander;


CREATE SCHEMA zoolander;

Profiles Setup

I created a profiles.yml in the root of the repo, since all my credentials are being populed from environment variables. As discussed here, you can keep your profiles.yml in a directory other than the default ~/.dbt/ folder.

dbt debug --profiles-dir .

alt text

Up & Running

First Example Runs

Having to specify --profiles-dir . everytime is getting annoying, so adding this to my ~/.zshrc:

export DBT_PROFILES_DIR=/Users/ianwhitestone/Documents/git/dbt-testing/zoolander

Run all models specified in dbt_projects.yml:

dbt run

alt text

Or just run a single model:

dbt run -m example.my_first_dbt_model

alt text



  • Finish reading through docs
  • Walk through the dbt.log file, + the compiled target for a given run
  • Mock up some example data in a bunch of schemas then test some realistic jobs..
  • Mock up a job and/or data that would fail...understand the debugging process
  • Understand how incremental jobs work
  • How would we implement data freshness checks prior to running. Maybe Airflow?
  • Think about how multiple teams could own their own models & configurations
  • How to handle slack alerting on failure & sharing logs