
This template provides a template for contract development and operation, including tools and conventions. These are recommended and not mendatory. If you have a suggestion, please make a PR to the template.

This template ships the following tools:

  • git hooks: husky
  • linter
    • eslint (for *.js)
    • prettier (for *.markdown, *.ts)
    • solhint (for *.sol)
  • solidity framework: foundry-rs, hardhat


npm install

# install foundry
curl -L | bash #

Git hooks

run linters if relevant files changed



Guide for development


All contracts in contracts/ directory are compiled.

forge build
# or
npx hardhat compile

Unit test

Files in test/ directory are run.

forge test
# or
npx hardhat test

Coverage test

Coverage test is to figure out the coverage of the unit test.

forge coverage
# or
npx hardhat coverage

Test on localhost network

There are two types of localhost network:

  • ethereum node (anvil from foundry, hardhat-node from hardhat, or ganache from truffle)
  • klaytn node (klaytn-deploy or homi).

These networks are defined in foundry.toml and hardhat.config.ts.

To spawn a localhost network with ethereum node:

# or
npx hardhat node

To spawn a localhost network with klaytn node: TBU


hardhat-deploy is a great tool for managing deployments. Note that it will use the output compiled with hardhat.

To run deploy scripts on the localhost network:

npx hardhat deploy --network localhost

It runs scripts in deploy/ directory and saves the result on deployments/ directory.

Try running the command again. It will reuse the contracts if previous deployments are found.

By default, this runs all scripts in deploy/. To run specific ones, we need to specify "tags" in the deploy script. For example, in case of deploy/deploy_counter.ts:

func.tags = ["Counter"];

Then run:

npx hardhat deploy --network localhost --tags Counter

hardhat-utils plugin imports symbols from hardhat artifacts for call and send commands. Check the number variable with:

npx hardhat call Counter number --network localhost


Both foundry and hardhat provides scripting feature. Foundry supports local/on-chain simulation modes. Note that local does not mean the localhost network by anvil or npx hardhat node, but a local EVM simulation.

To run the local simulation:

forge script script/Counter.s.sol

Now, let's run on-chain simulation on forked Baobab. Note that it will create a forked Baobab network locally and run transactions there. In other words, it will not send transactions to Baobab.

To run the on-chain simulation:

forge script script/Counter.s.sol --rpc-url baobab

If all succeeds, you are ready to deploy contracts and send transactions to Baobab. See operation guide for deployment on Baobab.

library functions

Library contains reusable functions which are published on NPM reside in lib/hardhat. It enables importing functions like below:

// file: script/counter_setnums.ts
import { setNumbers } from "@klaytn/contract-template";

Guide for operation


You need to create a network label for each deployment purpose. For example, if we need one for QA on Baobab, append to networks in hardhat.config.ts:

const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
  // ...
  networks: {
    baobab: {
      /* ... */
    cypress: {
      /* ... */
    "baobab-qa": {
      url: process.env.BAOBAB_URL || "",
      accounts: [process.env.PRIVATE_KEY as string],
      live: false,
      saveDeployments: true,
  // ...

To deploy:

export PRIVATE_KEY=0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80
hh deploy --network baobab-qa --tags Counter

To send transactions:

export COUNTER=$(cat deployments/baobab-qa/Counter.json | jq -r .address)
forge script script/Counter.s.sol --rpc-url baobab-qa --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --broadcast
# or
hh run script/counter.ts --network baobab-qa


Upload the following file to scope / finder:

hh smart-flatten contracts/Counter.sol
cat artifacts/Counter.flat.sol | pbcopy


It is recommended to publish hardhat tasks and forge scripts to NPM registry.

npm init
npm login
npm publish