
Primary LanguagePython

Python3 Installation
<folder name> = SessionM
<project name> = user_visits
<file name> here can be any file that ended with .py extension name
1. Check Python version:
   python3 -version
2. Where is the executable:
   which python3
3. Update and upgrade the system with apt-get:
   sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
   sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
   sudo apt-get update
   sudo apt-get -y update
4. Install Python 3.6:
   sudo apt-get install python3.6
5. Install packages through apt:
   sudo apt-get install python3-pip python3-dev
6. Install other packages:
   sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev
7. Install virtual environment:
   sudo apt-get install -y python3-venv
8. Create a new virtualenv (go to the folder that you want to use first):
   mkdir <folder name>
   cd <folder name>
   python3 -m venv <project name>
9. Start the virtualenv:
   source <project name>/bin/activate
10. Stop the virtualenv:
11. View the folder:
   ls <project name>
12. Open command-line text editor (nano) and create a new file
   nano <file name>.py
13. Run Python:
   python3 <file name>.py

PostgreSQL Installation
<user name> = ian
<database name> = user_visits
<table name> = user_visits
1. Install PostgreSQL:
   sudo apt-get install postgresql libpq-dev postgresql-client postgresql-client-common
2. Go to new postgres account (this will become postgres command line):
   sudo -i -u postgres
3. Create a new user name:
   createuser <user name> -P --interactive
4. Create a new database:
   createdb <database name>
5. Connect to the database:
   psql <database name>
6. Display table list in the database:
7. Display table (like 'SELECT * FROM <table name> 'query statement):
8. Exit postgres account:
   Ctrl + D

psycopg2 Installation
1. Update package:
   sudo apt-get build-dep python3-psycopg2
2. Install psycopg2 (probably do this under virtualenv):
   sudo pip3 install psycopg2

File Explanations
1. database.ini:
   This file stores the connection string
2. config.py:
   The method that connect to PostgreSQL
3. user_visits.csv
   This is the raw data
4. user_visits.py
   This is for testing if the database connection is working
5. create_tables.py
   This will create the "user_visits" table
6. csv_to_tables.py
   This will convert data from CSV to PostgreSQL
7. query_last7.py
   This query will return the frequency of clients' visits in last 7 days (a week)
8. query_last30.py
   This query will return the frequency of clients' visits in last 30 days (a month)
9. query_first_last.py
   This query will return the first and last visit per domain
10. query_all.py
   This query will return the first and last visit per domain, and also the frequency of clients' visits in last 7 days and 30 days
11. query_all.output.py
   This query will return the first and last visit per domain, the frequency of clients' visits in last 7 days and 30 days, and also output a results.csv file
12. results.csv
   This is the query results from query_all.output.py script file
13. drop_tables.py
   This will drop the "user_visits" table. Be aware that you can't recover.