SEIR621 Django Full Stack Build

With our Django REST API lab done we have completed all of the lessons for our cohort. By now you are hopefully thinking of what you'd like to build for your Capstone project, both in the content of the project, and which frameworks you want to use to build it up. We have seen the steps required to set up a Convential Relational Database using Python, and using the Rest Framework app to convert it into JSON data. It may seem simple at first, but there are a lot of steps that can make it more difficult than you may think.

For our final lab, we will build up a REST-ful API using Django, and attach it to a front-end built in either React or Vue.

As you may know, Ticketmaster is awful. Adding 30% service fees to a sale may seem like a great business model, but might actually be turning away potential customers. Luckily, we can use this to our advantage, and take a bit of their market share with our new Tick-iT website.


For this webpage you will create a list of local venues, each of which have a number of events belonging to them. Then, using whichever JS framework you choose, plus the Axios library, lets Get those venues and events and render them on our screen in a clean, professionally styled, user-friendly webpage.

You will need :

  • At least 3 Back end routes (Index and Show of Venues, Index of each show at each venue). A Detail route for each show is optional, but will not be required
  • A functioning SPA built with a JS framework of your choice.
  • A front-end Router that has a landing page with each Venue, with clickable links to see the individal shows belonging to each

A User model, Auth, and Create, Update, and Delete routes will not be required for this lab. However, if you are considering using Django as a backend for your capstone, this would be a good time to try those out and see what they entail (Maybe adding reviews/comments for the venues or shows?)