
Twitch User viewer

Primary LanguageRuby

Twitch User Viewer

This repo is for a Twitch user viewer project from freeCodeCamp's Front End Development Certification.

Quick Start

Clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/ianagpawa/twitch.git

Installation of Dependencies

In order to run the app locally, Ruby and Rails must be installed on your system. Then, while the terminal is in the project folder, execute the following command to install the necessary gems:

bundle install --without production

Viewing the app locally

In order to view the app locally, with the terminal in the project folder, execute command rails s, then point your browser to http://localhost:3000

What's included

Within the project folder, you will find the following files:

    ├───  app/
    |       ├── assets/
    |       |       ├── javascripts/
    |       |       |      ├── application.js
    |       |       |      ├── custom.js
    |       |       |      └── welcome.coffee
    |       |       └── stylesheets/
    |       |               ├── application.css.scss
    |       |               ├── custom.css.scss
    |       |               └── welcome.scss
    |       ├─── controllers/
    |       |       ├── application_controller.rb
    |       |       └── welcome_controller.rb
    |       └─── views/
    |               ├── layouts/
    |               |       └── application.html.erb
    |               └── welcome
    |                       └── index.html.erb
    ├──  bin/
    |       ├── bundle
    |       ├── rails
    |       ├── rake
    |       ├── setup
    |       └── spring
    ├── config/
    |       ├── environments/
    |       |       ├── development.rb
    |       |       ├── production.rb
    |       |       └── test.rb
    |       ├─── initializers/
    |       |       ├── assets.rb
    |       |       ├── backtrace_silencers.rb
    |       |       ├── cookies_serializer.rb
    |       |       ├── filter_parameter_logging.rb
    |       |       ├── inflections.rb
    |       |       ├── mime_types.rb
    |       |       ├── session_store.rb
    |       |       └── wrap_parameters.rb
    |       ├─── locales/
    |       |       └── en.yml
    |       ├─── application.rb
    |       ├─── boot.rb
    |       ├─── database.yml
    |       ├─── environment.rb
    |       ├─── routes.rb
    |       └─── secrets.yml
    ├── public/
    |     ├── 404.html
    |     ├── 422.html
    |     ├── 500.html
    |     ├── favicon.ico
    |     └── robots.txt
    ├── .gitignore
    ├── config.ru
    ├── Gemfile
    ├── Gemfile.lock
    ├── Rakefile
    └── README.md


Ian Agpawa

