
An attempt at using DynInst's patchAPI

Primary LanguageC++

To build you need to set the three environment variables DYNINST, BOOST, and TBB to the install directories of these three dependencies.

For example, if you spack installed dyninst you could do:

export DYNINST=`spack location --install-dir dyninst`
export BOOST=`spack location --install-dir boost`
export TBB=`spack location --install-dir tbb`

Then to build and test:

make test

The fact that one never sees:

NoopSnippet.generate: inserting a no op

in the output is the issue at hand.

There is also a hybrid approach described in hybrid_main.cpp and the corresponding make target

make hybrid_test

which does seem to work. Still no clue why the original doesn't work. Or whether, if it worked, it would patch the binary in the same way.