
A script to make Jsons with Alphafold3

Primary LanguagePython

AF3Json Documentation

AF3Json.py is a Python script designed to parse sequence data from FASTA formatted files and convert it into a structured JSON format suitable for further processing or analysis. The script reads a FASTA file specified by the user, extracts the sequence information, and outputs a JSON file containing the sequence data.

Table of Contents


  • Python interpreter (version 3.0 or higher)
  • FASTA formatted file containing sequence data


To use the script, you need to have a FASTA file that you want to convert into JSON. Then, run the script from the command line with the following command:

python AF3Json.py <fasta_file>

Replace <fasta_file> with the path to your FASTA file.



The parse_fasta_file function takes a single argument, the path to a FASTA file, and parses the sequences contained within it.


  • fasta_file: A string representing the file path of the FASTA file to be parsed.


  • A list of dictionaries where each dictionary contains the sequence name and sequence string.


The create_json_structure function converts the list of sequences obtained from parse_fasta_file into a JSON-friendly list of dictionaries.


  • sequences: A list of dictionaries containing the sequence information.


  • A list of dictionaries formatted for JSON output.


The main function orchestrates the parsing of the FASTA file and the creation of the JSON output. It is the entry point of the script when run from the command line.


  • fasta_file: A string representing the file path of the FASTA file to be parsed.


Here is an example of how to run the script from the command line:

python AF3Json.py example.fasta

This command will process example.fasta and generate a file named protein_jobs.json containing the JSON representation of the sequences.


The script will create a JSON file named protein_jobs.json in the same directory as the script. The JSON file will contain an array of objects, each representing a sequence from the FASTA file with the following structure:

        "name": "<sequence_name>",
        "modelSeeds": [],
        "sequences": [
                "proteinChain": {
                    "sequence": "<sequence_string>",
                    "count": 1

Each object in the array corresponds to a sequence in the FASTA file, with the name and sequence extracted from the file.

After the JSON file is created, you will see a confirmation message:

JSON file 'protein_jobs.json' created successfully.

This documentation provides an overview of how to use the AF3Json.py script. For more detailed information about how the code works internally, you may review the source code directly.