
mechanical turk files which display a feature discrimination experiment

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mechanical turk files which display a feature discrimination experiment

dnl.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/fd.cgi to see experiment. Use ?pagenumber to skip through: dnl.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/fd.cgi?7 goes straight to the feature discrimination page

consent.html: displays consent form for experiment

demogrphics.html: collects demographic data at end of experiment

experimentcompleted.html: displays if ip address has already completed experiment

fd_instruct.html: overall experimental instructions

fd_rt_instruct: instructions for the RT task, look here for more details on how the task works

fd_ser_20_pres: 20 presentations per stimulus type, scrambles seperating trials

fd_ser_fb_uniqueA_switch: most current version which has unique A stimulus for B+ and C-, feedback, and 5 switch trials at the end where the contingencies of the picture to outcomes switch

fd_ser_feedback.html: second version, incorporated feedback

fd_ser_feedback_uniqueA.html: third version, incorporated feedback and unique A stimuls for B+ and C--

fd_ser: original version

fd_ser_instruct: instructions for fd_ser, look here for more details on how the task works

fd_sim: not done yet. Simultaneous version

mechturk.html: get mturk id number

quiz.html: shows quiz on pieces to make sure mturkers are awake

thankyou.html: experiment over thank you page