Azure IoT to PostgreSQL

This Azure Function will be triggered when there is a new event in IoTHub. Then, it will write the data into PostgreSQL via the psycopg2 library.

Getting Started

  1. Install Azure Function extension in VSCode
  2. CMD+p and search for "Create Function App in Azure," following the instructions
  3. CMD+p and search for "Deploy to Function App," following the instructions
  4. After the deployment, check the function by going to the Azure web portal
  5. Add IOTHUB_CONNECTION_STRING and DATABASE_URL environment variable in Function App settings
  6. Send a test event and it should be written to your PostgreSQL database

Environment Variables

Environment Variable Example Value
IOTHUB_CONNECTION_STRING Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=iothubowner;SharedAccessKey=cmysharedaccGu72NY=;EntityPath=iothub-ehub-techin510-111111-111111
DATABASE_URL postgresql://