
SecureDrop is a Secure File Transfer System. Letting two instances communicate and send encrypted files through python sockets to one another. (file limit 2 gig)

Primary LanguagePython

COMP2300 Secure Drop Project - A secure version of airdrop
Team members:
Jacob Glik
Peyton Somerville

The following python packages need to be installed for Secure Drop to work:
cryptography ('pip3 install cryptography')
stdiomask ('pip3 install stdiomask')
tinyec ('pip3 install tinyec')
cffi ('python3 -m pip install cffi')

Secure Drop will work best on Windows. The functionality may be limited when running on other operating systems.
The size of files is limited to 2gb when transfering between instances of SecureDrop.

Intructions for using Secure Drop:
Type 'python3 secureDrop.py' to run Secure Drop.

Type 'python3 reset.py' to reset Secure Drop and erase all data.