
A front end boilerplate for making static sites. Includes express, es6/babel, js module bundling, sass, browserfy, etc.

Primary LanguageCSS

Front End Boilerplate

Boilerplate setup I use for static front end web development. This boilerplate includes... - Node.js express server to serve the front end - EJS templating engine - Bootstrap 4 - Grunt.js with configured tasks for the following.... - Browsersync & live reload - Babel for ES6 JS to ES5 compilation - Rollup for JS bundling - SCSS compass to CSS compilation - CSS and JS minification

File Structure

- /dev : This contains the source files for the front end
    - /dev/library : This contains the assets, css, and JS (Make sure you do CSS and JS dev in /library/src !!!)
        - /dev/library/src : This contains the precompiled SCSS and ES6 JS files (Do css & js development here!!!!)
    - /dev/App : This contains the EJS template files.
        - /dev/App/MasterPages : Master page for project. (Import css/jss and router header/footer/content)
        - /dev/App/Templates : Page templates for project (Use this to create new web pages. Ex: .../inner-page would be /Templates/inner-page.ejs)
        - /dev/App/UserControls : Partial templates (or includes if you will) to be used in project. 
- /Static : The static html project. Only exists after running 'node compile-frontend.js'.

Getting started

Compile static HTML

  • To compile the /dev directory into normal, node node.js html files (files you can throw up on a server), Run 'node compile-frontend.js'. This will create a /static directory with the html output for the project.