
Create mp3 torrents from FLACs

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

whatmp3 is a small script to create mp3 torrents out of FLACs.

Depends on mktorrent, lame/oggenc/ffmpeg/neroAacEnc+neroAacDec, and metaflac.

Configuration is handled at the top of the file in the configuration section.


Running whatmp3 on its own won't do too much. You need to specify the lame or oggenc flags you want to convert with, and the directories you want to convert.

--320 --V2 --V0 --Q8 --ALAC...
	encode to 320, V2, V0, or whatever else specified in 'enc_options' in the file
	create torrent for FLAC
	print help message and quit
	increase verbosity (default false)
	copy other files in flac directory to torrent directory (default true)
	specify output directory for torrents
	zeropad tracklists (default true)
	specify tracker passkey
	specify tracker address to use (default "http://tracker.what.cd:34000")
	do not generate a torrent file (default false)
	run NUM encoding threads (default 1)
	enables replaygain (default false); please note replaygain is not allowed on what.cd
	enables dithering (default false)

Minimally, you need a passkey, a tracker, and an encoding option to create a working torrent to upload

You need to add your torrent passkey and output directory in order to make the .torrent file to upload to What.CD:


This will convert OSI - Office of Strategic Influence to V2 and V0:

whatmp3 --V2 --V0 OSI\ -\ Office\ of\ Strategic\ Influence

This will convert Porcupine Tree - Deadwing and Porcupine Tree - In Absentia to 320 CBR, V0, and V2 (the "perfect three"):

whatmp3 --320 --V2 --V0 Porcupine\ Tree\ -\ Deadwing Porcupine\ Tree\ -\ In\ Absentia

.torrent files will be created in your output directory.

Threading is supported since version 3.0; use the --threads NUM option (or set max_threads):

whatmp3 --threads 2 --V2 "Enslaved - Isa"

whatmp3 also supports a few command line flags as of 2.0, use --verbose or -v to print extra messages:

whatmp3 --verbose --V2 Nightingale\ -\ I