
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The Sparse-NN repository implements methods for sparsifying neural networks (i.e., making them use a small number of inputs). The methods are based on backward elimination and feature ranking, which provide a tractable approximate solution to a challenging combinatorial optimization problem.


Please download the code by cloning the repository. To run it you'll need Python >= 3, numpy, scipy, pandas, sklearn, and PyTorch >= 1.2.0.

How it works

The code is structured so that users must specify a base model that relies on all features, and then learn a sparse input neural network (SPINN) through either recursive feature elimination or a single ranking step. Base models are implemented in models/mlp.py, and SPINNs are implemented in models/spinn.py.

Five feature ranking methods are available here to use as part of the feature selection algorithm:

  • Learnable Bernoulli noise (learn per-feature dropout rates)
  • Learnable Gaussian noise (learn per-feature additive noise standard deviations)
  • Feature imputation (measure increase in loss when features are imputed)
  • First layer sensitivity (measure sensitivity of first hidden layer to each feature)
  • Jacobian sensitivity (measure sensitivity of model output to each feature)

Each of the ranking methods leads to slightly different feature selection. The methods that tend to achieve the best performance with a small number of features are Bernoulli noise, Gaussian noise, and feature imputation. The methods that are most consistent with the features they select are Gaussian noise and Bernoulli noise.

To perform feature selection with these methods, a small amount of hyperparameter tuning is required. In our experiments, we chose the model architecture and optimization hyperparameters that led to an accurate model when relying on all features.

Unsupervised feature selection

In a paper that is under review, we proposed a method for selecting features without a specific supervised learning task in mind. The methods we developed are promising for selecting a small number of features in biological applications, e.g., high dimensional genetic data.

The mathematical theory leads to an intuitive conclusion: when forced to observe a subset of features, the most informative features are those that are highly predictive of the unobserved ones. In practice, we suggest learning an input-sparse autoencoder (ISAE). Feel free to reach out for a preprint.


See the Jupyter notebooks gaussian rfe.ipynb, bernoulli rfe.ipynb, imputation rfe.ipynb for examples of feature selection using recursive feature elimination. See bernoulli ranking.ipynb as an example of feature selection based on a single ranking step.
