
Maps a Mercator projection of celestial body into an easily fold-able origami cube

Primary LanguagePython


This program uses the Matplotlib Basemap Toolkit to transform the Mercator projection of a star, planet, or other astronomical object into a 3-D globe. That globe is then split into 6 squares and rearranged so as to make it easy to fold up into a cube!

The colors of each folding tab are found by taking the average color of the square to which it is attached.

Includes the option to quantize any image and the ability to specify the number of color levels—this is helpful for images that are blurry as showcased by the Luhman example which is quantized to 12 colors.

Folding instructions included!

Credit for original idea and folding instructions: Ian J. M. Crossfield KU Dept. of Physics and Astronomy 1082 Malott, 1251 Wescoe Hall Dr. Lawrence, KS 66045 email: ianc@ku.edu