
Implementation of the prisoners dilemna in Rust

Primary LanguageRust

example workflow Crate docs.rs


A library for simulating "The Prisoner's Dilemna". Also comes with a main.rs to play with.

Provides enums for Choice and Outcome, these are all you really need to play the game. The public function determine will give you a result. The Outcome enum also provides methods for calculating a score. It supports the classic reward mechanism (0, -1, -2, -3) reward based scoring system, and an algebraic return (ie T > R > P > S). Currently does not implement Ord.


main.rs shows how to use clap generate a CLI. This is also the entry point for the docker container.

prisoner 0.5.0
Ian Cullinane <ian@iancullinane.com>
A library for simulating "The Prisoner's Dilemna"

    prisoner [OPTIONS] --players <PLAYERS>

    -h, --help                 Print help information
    -p, --players <PLAYERS>    
    -r, --rounds <ROUNDS>      
    -V, --version              Print version information