ownCloud on OpenShift from scratch

Patterned liberally from Isaac Christoffersen's OpenShift quickstart.

This assumes that you have a directory called projects.

mkdir -p ~/projects && cd ~/projects

Create app

rhc app create owncloud php-5.3 mysql-5.1
rhc alias add owncloud <your.alias.goes.here>
rhc app show owncloud
rm owncloud/php/*.php

Get ownCloud

mkdir ~/projects/owncloud-dist && cd ~/projects/owncloud-dist
wget http://download.owncloud.org/community/owncloud-5.0.10.tar.bz2
tar xjvf owncloud-5.0.10.tar.bz2
cd owncloud
rsync -av . ~/projects/owncloud/php/

Add script to auto-configure ownCloud

In ~/projects/owncloud/php/config/autoconfig.php:

    $AUTOCONFIG = array(
        'installed' => false,
        'dbtype' => 'mysql',
        'dbtableprefix' => 'oc_',
        'adminlogin' => 'admin',
        'adminpass' => 'OpenShiftAdmin',
        'directory' => DIRECTORY,
        'dbname' => DBNAME,
        'dbuser' => DBUSER,
        'dbpass' => DBPASS,
        'dbhost' => DBHOST

Add OpenShift-specific action hooks

Add the following action hooks to be executed at specific points in the deployment process of the OpenShift app. The scripts are located in ~/projects/owncloud/.openshift/action_hooks.

  • pre_build - Restores an existing configuration file and removes the autoconfig script above for succeeding pushes.
  • deploy - Ensures that the MySQL cartridge is available.
  • post_deploy - During the first push, it will autoconfigure the ownCloud instance. For succeeding deployments, it will ensure that an existing configuration is used.

Deploy ownCloud

cd ~/projects/owncloud
git add .
git commit -a -m "Deploy to OpenShift"
git push

Log in and start using ownCloud on OpenShift

Go to https://<your.alias.goes.here>, and use admin/OpenShiftAdmin as the default first-time credentials. (Make sure to change this ASAP.)

Optional: Use cron

If you use ownCloud apps that require background jobs that need to run regularly, add OpenShift's Cron cartridge.

rhc cartridge-add cron-1.4 -a owncloud

Cron jobs go in ~/projects/owncloud/.openshift/cron/ under the respective periods.

For example, for the News app (an RSS reader), add the following job that runs every 15 minutes (in ~/projects/owncloud/.openshift/cron/minutely/owncloud.sh):


if [[ -f  $OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR/php/cron.php ]] ; then
    if [[ $(( $(date +%M) % 15 )) -eq 0 ]] ; then
        printf "{\"app\":\"Cron\",\"message\":\"%s\",\"level\":1,\"time\":%s}\n" "Running cron job" $(date +%s) >> $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR/owncloud.log
        pushd $OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR/php &> /dev/null
        php -f cron.php
        if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then
    	    printf "{\"app\":\"Cron\",\"message\":\"%s\",\"level\":2,\"time\":%s}\n" "Error running cron job" $(date +%s) >> $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR/owncloud.log
        popd &> /dev/null

Make sure to enable the system cron in ownCloud's Admin settings page.