@Stashorizer is a bot that automatically downloads images from tweets in which its name is mentioned in. If the image passes a safety check for adult content, violence, etc. then the bot will attempt to find faces in the image and draw mustaches on each face. The bot will then reply with a mustache drawn over the original image. Hopefully the mustache will appear below the nose but often it will appear somewhere else.
This bot uses the following APIs:
- Tweepy - to interact with Twitter
- Google Cloud Vision - to check image safety
- Rollbar - for logging and error monitoring
- MapR - for archiving the Twitter stream and replicating to Mastodon
git push -u origin master
docker build --no-cache -t iandow/stashorizer .
docker push iandow/stashorizer
Define the following environment variables in ~/env-file
Here's what an example env-file
might look like. The keys and secrets shown below are fake.
I just put them here so you know how the format should look:
You'll need to link your Google Cloud certificate to container. I do that by copying my json cert file to ~/certs/
and mapping directory that to the container as a docker volume, like this:
docker pull iandow/stashorizer
docker run -dit --restart unless-stopped --env-file ~/env-file --name stashorizer -v ~/certs/:/root/certs/ iandow/stashorizer:latest
The Twitter stream listener in streaming_mustache_bot.py will persist every received mention to a topic in MapR Event Streams using a Kafka REST service running on a MapR cluster node. This ensures that all @stashorizer mentions will be saved even if they're deleted from Twitter or if Twitter disables the bot account. This stream also enables us to replicate the bot elsewhere, such as Mastodon (e.g. []botsin.space](http://botsin.space)).
To do enable tweet storage to MapR, do the following:
- Define the
environment variable to point to the Kafka REST service running on a MapR server. - Create MapR-ES stream with public write permissions and a TTL of 0 (meaning data is never purged):
# Create the stream
maprcli stream create -path /apps/stashorizer
# Create the topic
maprcli stream topic create -path /apps/stashorizer -topic mentions -partitions 3
# Enable public write permissions and an infinite Time-To-Live (TTL)
maprcli stream edit -path /apps/stashorizer -produceperm p -consumeperm p -topicperm p --ttl 0
- Validate that you can produce a message, like this:
echo "hello world" | base64 | xargs -I {} curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.kafka.v1+json" --data '{"records":[{"value":"{}"}]}' "http://nodea:8082/topics/%2Fapps%2Fstashorizer%3Amentions"
- Validate that you can read from the stream using the kafka console consumer, like this:
/opt/mapr/kafka/kafka-1.0.1/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --topic /apps/stashorizer:mentions --new-consumer --bootstrap-server this.will.be.ignored:9092 --from-beginning
I automatically restart docker containers for @stashorizer when I push new images to the stashorizer repo on Docker hub. I accomplish this by using a webhook I created in said docker repo which sends push notifications to a public URL provided by ngrok that tunnels into the webhook tool I have running on my private twitter bot server. Here are the commands I use for ngrok
and webhook
Run the following commands on the server(s) running the twitter bot:
ngrok http 4567
Update the web hook URL on Docker Hub with whatever ngrok outputs. Then run a webhook listener like this:
./webhook-linux-amd64/webhook -port 4567 -hooks hooks.json -verbose
hooks.json looks like this:
"id": "redeploy-webhook",
"execute-command": "/var/scripts/redeploy.sh",
"command-working-directory": "/var/webhook"
/var/scripts/redeploy.sh looks like this:
docker pull iandow/stashorizer
docker stop stashorizer
docker rm stashorizer
docker run -dit --restart unless-stopped --env-file ~/env-file --name stashorizer -v ~/certs/:/root/certs/ iandow/stashorizer:latest