
Arduino library for the SHT31 temperature and humidity sensor

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Arduino library for the SHT31 temperature and humidity sensor


The SHT3x family of sensors should work up to 1 MHz I2C

This library should also work for SHT30 and SHT35 but these are not tested yet.

SENSOR Temperature accuracy Humidity accuracy
SHT30 ~0.3 2
SHT31 ~0.3 1.5
SHT35 ~0.2 1.5

An elaborated library for the SHT31 sensor can be found here https://github.com/hawesg/SHT31D_Particle_Photon_ClosedCube


TODO elaborate

basic interface

  • SHT31()
  • bool begin(address, dataPin, clockPin)
  • bool begin(address)
  • bool begin(address, TwoWire *wire)
  • bool read(bool fast = true) blocks 15 milliseconds + actual read + math
  • bool isConnected() check senosr is reachable over I2C
  • uint16_t readStatus() details see datasheet; summary below
  • uint32_t lastRead() in milliSeconds since start
  • void reset(bool hard = false)
  • getHumidity() returns relative humidity in %
  • getTemperature() returns temperature in °C

Heater interface

Do not use heater for long periods, use it for max 3 minutes to heat up and let it cool down an equal period.

  • setHeatTimeout(uint8_t seconds)
  • heatOn()
  • heatOff()
  • bool heatUp() is the sensor still heating up? // TODO isHeating() better.

Async interface

  • requestData()
  • bool dataReady()
  • bool readData(bool fast = true)

Status fields

TODO elaborate - table

  // bit - description
  // ==================
  // 15 Alert pending status
  //    '0': no pending alerts
  //    '1': at least one pending alert - default
  // 14 Reserved ‘0’
  // 13 Heater status
  //    '0’ : Heater OFF - default
  //    '1’ : Heater ON
  // 12 Reserved '0’
  // 11 Humidity tracking alert
  //    '0’ : no alert - default
  //    '1’ : alert
  // 10 Temp tracking alert
  //    '0’ : no alert - default
  //    '1’ : alert
  // 9:5 Reserved '00000’
  // 4 System reset detected
  //    '0': no reset since last ‘clear status register’ command
  //    '1': reset detected (hard or soft reset command or supply fail) - default
  // 3:2 Reserved ‘00’
  // 1 Command status
  //    '0': last cmd executed successfully
  //    '1': last cmd not processed. Invalid or failed checksum
  // 0 Write data checksum status
  //    '0': checksum of last write correct
  //    '1': checksum of last write transfer failed


See examples